Page 13 - Spring 13
P. 13
Kayla – nervous anxiety by Henry Stevenson, Australia
Kayla a 14 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier who was quite well until she had an alter- cation with another young male dog at her home in December 2011. The fight was over a ball and she ended up with a broken nose where his tooth punctured into the sinus.
This fight threw Kayla into a real panic mentally and she was treated with antibiotics and an antinflammatory for the pain by an emergency surgery.
After this she became very nervous and fearful and both of her eyes became red and painful with a discharge of yellow green pus. The eyes tested as being very low on tears.
Photo is soon after her original accident
She was then treated with Argentum nit initially and some homeopathic eyedrops made from oculo and mucosa (HEEL). This was 3 weeks after the dog fight (Jan 2012).
One week later and the eyes were not greatly improved and she was still very fearful. The remedy was changed to Aconite in 1 dose of 1M strength. Both the eyes and the anxiety improved some after this dose.
She next presented in March 2012 now with some eye discharge again and bloating in abdomen with circular crusty sores on her abdominal skin.
Her tear test results were 4mm per eye.
A blood test was performed at this visit and we found that she had developed Cushings dis- ease. (ALP 395 with steroid isoenzyme 203 and ALT122withCortisol32at4hrand42at8hr on LDDT).
I suspect that this may have been caused by the drug treatments or the stress of the accident.
Kayla’s skin at the beginning of her Cushings disease
Treatment was then changed to ACTH 15c every third day and Arsenicum album LM01 every third day. She was also started on Withania and Livton tablets from Mediherb. Withania complex contains withania 950mg, glycyrhiza 750mg, scutellaria 470mg, and panax ginseng 100mg. Livton complex con- tains silyum 7g, cynara 800mg, taraxacum 400mg, bupleurum 300mg and chionanthus 160mg. She was on 1 tablet twice daily of each.
Kayla stayed on this treatment for 6 months and slowly her body became healthy again. She slowly lost the bloated look and the nervous anxiety normalised. She now has perfect eyes and skin and is back swimming again. Not bad for a 14 year dog.
Kayla’s skin now after homeopathic treatment
This is Kayla with her eyes all healed