Page 19 - Spring 13
P. 19

                                           Nothing New Under the Sun – Jane Keogh, BAHVS Junior Vice President
As I write this, the Summer Solstice approaches again, the longest day, the shortest night, and the continuing cycle of life as it repeats its story is very clear.
Despite the fact that the days will soon become imperceptibly shorter from the Solstice onwards, this is a time of abundant growth and vibrant life. Hopefully Winter is the last thing on our minds.
With the recognition of the seasonal cycle comes the realisation that all things have a cycle. Yet again we have been called to defend our way of being, to face anger and prejudice, and yet again we have the choice as to how we do this. The truth we defend has been attacked in generations past and will no doubt be attacked in generations to come. The cycle con- tinues. We are a moment in time, a part of the pattern. We can choose to echo the anger that is thrown at us or we can lead by example, and take the pattern in a different direction. We can be like those politicians who fight their battles by slinging mud at their opponents, or we can honour our chosen path by calmly presenting our case. Those politicians may make us look askance at their opponents, but they do not gain our respect. Our professionalism is being called into question, let us react with dignity and strike back hard without reducing our- selves to the level of those who would destroy us.
Maybe you are sitting with a cup of tea as you read this, welcoming a moment of respite
in your busy day. Maybe you are in the bath, try- ing to keep the Mag dry as you read, a trickle of water from the hot tap keeping the temperature up. Maybe you are standing, caught by an arti- cle or a picture, as you fly from one task to the next.
Wherever you are in this moment, take a second to close your eyes and take a deep breath, to just be in this present minute. Be aware of the energy that you carry and the light of who you are. Expand your awareness out to touch the energy and light of all the different, yet like-minded souls who at some point will be reading this publication. Recognise that togeth- er there is a network of energy created by those of us who choose to follow this path of healing, and that however hard some try, this network of light and energy cannot be destroyed. Or ignored.
As the Land breaks forth into the wild growth of early summer, so too it is a time for us to focus our attention on all the hopes and plans planted at a quieter time in the year’s cycle. What we give our energy to will grow, and in this time of vibrant growth let us nurture and put forth our combined strength as practition- ers on an energetic level. Let us honour the strength of purpose and courage of those who stood here before us, and recognise that our choices and actions now will echo down the years and affect those who are to come. The energy we give out will be the energy we receive.
The old pattern, and the temptation, is to exchange blow for blow, to engage in adversar- ial tactics that depend on anger and insult. Yet the homeopathic healing modality that we prac- tice, is all about a return to balance; we must take care not to lose sight of that goal of bal- ance. Let us have the courage, and the trust and pride in what we do to stand tall in our own right. The rapidly increasing body of evidence, laboriously gathered by committed individuals, will give the lie to the accusation that there is no proof. If we can hold our heads high and remember that we are looking for balance with our colleagues, not annihilation of their way of being, then we can regard ourselves with respect, and gain respect in return. What is more, we will indeed have honoured the work of those before us, and planted a positive seed of hope for those who follow.
Do not under-estimate what we can achieve as a whole, if each one of us sets forth the individual intention to hold true and bear witness and not give way to attack, then, as a worldwide web of light we cannot be destroyed. Like a river that parts to go round an obstacle and continues on its way, the rising flow of energy medicine in general, and homeopathy in particular, will continue.
Sometimes the darkest hour is just before the dawn.
    An unpredictable Rottweiler
by Joan Goddard, NZ
An aggressive Rottweiler is turned around with homeopathy (Article courtesy of Homeopathy 4 Everyone)
C was a 60kg Rottweiler. His behaviour was unpredictable and over the top. He had a pro- nounced limp from a sore right shoulder. He had been seen by a vet and treated for his shoulder, but it was not responding due to his behaviour problem. “He goes crazy”, the owner said. “He knocks people over, he crashes into fences, bangs his head into things and has no regard for his own safety”.
When the owner’s husband came home, C would look at him and growl, a deep throated growl, his whole body would go rigid and his eyes would glaze over, and he would race toward the man growling, He would not attack, but bound round him still growling and then run to the end of the hall, only to repeat the behaviour again, and again.
The owner said it’s as if he looses his brain, he becomes very intense and stomps all over you. If
I ignore him, he doesn’t care, the behaviour just sits below the surface at all times. “I never know when it will happen”. He has had weekly training lessons for several years with only minor progress. The only way the owner could control him was to tighten the lead and almost choke him. He did not like to go outside in the dark; he became aggressive toward strangers, or being told what to do by someone other than his owner. He becomes obsessive about doing things his own way, he goes to retrieve a dumbbell at obe- dience class and instead of bringing it back runs around the ring with it.
Physically he had the limp, lots of thick white mucous in strings from his mouth; he drank up to 7 litres of water a day. He had a few hot spots on his skin. He loved to swim, and loved the water. He was very over the top, and badly behaved after he had been neutered, and again after vaccination.
Remedy: Medorrhinum. I prescribed the remedy based on his over the top attitude, abrupt response to the owner’s husband, his inability to concen- trate, his alternating moods and excitability, along with fear of the dark, and the shoulder pain.
Response: after the remedy he became more obedient, he put himself to bed at night. The blank stare was less, his eyes were more ani- mated, and his limp had improved as had his skin. Several months later, the owner said, he is really good. He is concentrating in obedience work, no dramas when the husband comes home; he is generally pleasant to be with. A year later he is still doing well.

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