Page 12 - Autumn 18
P. 12

 continued from p9
Connecting Our Global Community
BAHVS Conference, 11 – 14 October 2018, Liverpool,
with the Faculty of Homeopathy • Report by Sara Fox-Chapman
The BAHVS and the Faculty of Homeopathy joined together for this year’s conference in Liverpool. geoff Johnson was an integral member of the organising committee, ensuring that we vets gave veterinary presentations in the main suite, as well as our own veterinary half day in a separate room; ‘our’ half-day was quite popular with non-vets!
The event was hosted at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Princes Dock in Liverpool. Ample, less expensive accommodation was in easy walking distance of the hotel. Joining with the Faculty was a financial benefit to both groups, and Geoff has kindly offered to assist with joint Congress planning for 2020, if that is of interest to the BAHVS membership.
I hope this report will give you some of the flavour of the
Congress. As there were parallel sessions, this report is incomplete, as I haven’t mastered the being out of body and in two places technique....
Thursday evening featured a welcome reception, followed by a screening of the film “Magic pills”. This film is an excellent introduction to homeopathy, and the Canadian filmmaker, Ananda Moore, was there to answer questions. Jet lag insisted that we ate rather than watch the film, so my husband and I joined some IAVH colleagues for dinner at a nearby pub. Liverpool has many interesting places to eat!
On Friday morning, the main Congress organiser, simon Wilkinson-Blake, sorted out housekeeping details, then the Faculty President Dr. gary smyth welcomed us all to the Congress. There were 220 attendees over the three days, from 20 countries, enjoying 46 speakers. Gary opened the Congress with a short video of stills from Dr. peter fisher’s life. Dr. Fisher was present in spirit at the Congress: he was warmly remembered, his past achievements on behalf of homeopathy were recognised, and his life was celebrated as an example of how we can all can strive to promote homeopathy.

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