Page 10 - Autumn 18
P. 10

 continued from p7
On a walk recently he came home with a big branch he took all the way back like a trophy, this is mine, it was very big, this may have happened a few times, the other dog had it before him and dropped it. He would not drop it for the other dogs.
He has the most amazing nose this dog, he would find anything. He would go and find the stuff the other dogs would drop on a walk, he would be so pleased when he succeeded (he succeeded every time).
On the shows he would not quit, he would work and work. On shows it always was as if the other dogs weren't there, he was the same on shows and at home, he was what he was.
He won’t keep pushing at you, he loves a cuddle and is very responsive, he really wants to be doing it, he doesn’t push it.
I ask: can he read other dogs? The answer is: I don’t know, he never raised a lip.
I repertorise this as follows:
 1 1234 1
2 1234 1
3 1234 1a
4 1234 1a
5 1234 1
6 1234 1
MIND - CONTENT 66 GENERALS - COLLAPSE 127 MIND - FEAR - hurt, of being 12 MIND - FEAR - injury - being injured; of 36 GENERALS - COLD; BECOMING -amel. 100 MIND - INDIFFERENCE -
surroundings, to the 24
 Cannabis i and Phosphorus cover the 5 rubrics (groups). I choose Cannabis which suits very well the bizarre thing of the case: he cannot cope with the other dogs, he is always happy, only interested in the attention he can get and he is happy to pick up the sticks the other dogs drop: he is happy with seconds...
Cann i 30 two doses
2 weeks later
He has walked with a big branch again in his mouth, he has gone up the stairs in the garden again, much more energy, within 48 hrs, stayed the same till today.
He prefers to stay in his cage better. He is in there now since I took out his bed, he prefers to lie on the cold.
He is less grumbly with the others.
Cann i 200 two doses, and use when required.
(He does not need any painkillers for 6 months but then starts taking them again.)
Bryn will take the remedy twice more in the next 8 months. Every time he picks up. But then he is put to sleep because he suddenly went downhill badly over 2 days time.
The remedy gave him nearly an extra year of good quality of life

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