Page 9 - Autumn 18
P. 9

       When very young he used to bite the other strong bitch, they all push each other around a little.
I have 5 very strong bitches in the house (the owner is a good dog trainer and has a group of 7 border collies of various ages she trains for working in the show ring.) He’s always been a more people dog, never been a ‘dog’ dog.
He was bought in for a lesson and ran to me for my lap. When he did the same thing during the second training session, he stayed with me. He was a few months old. He is amazing, he likes to be around you. He wants to please you, he wants to work with you.
The others work for what they can get, he wants to work with you, (I have to motivate the others, these dogs that want to work for you are far and few between.) It is almost as he wants to please you, no other motivation, you don't need to give him anything.
(In the surgery he chooses to lie on the floor rather than the bed I gave him.)
He has been doing a lot of panting recently, the puffing is rather new, that is why he is on the harder area, he is hot.
He would go wherever you tell him to, he avoids the activity now, he would really want to be around you.
Loves people such a lovely nature and temperament, happy
chappy. He always had a smile on his face. I have never known him being miserable.
He dealt with things ‘bang’ and then continues to poodle along, he is black and white. After his hip operation he just got up and got along with it.
He was easy to train, he was top when he was 2, he just did it.
In the pack he would not tolerate being pushed, he did not warn, he just went for the bang and then it was finished, he did not growl and warn, it was just done, just meant it.
He would not tolerate any dog coming into his space, he would just bite them, one go and that was it. There was never any warning. He knew just how much he needed to do. I never left my pups near to him, I was always frightened he would overdo it, I protected my babies. He never played with the other dogs, he is the oldest.
(Observation: he lies in the surgery washing himself with his back to us, in the middle)
He seems to cope very well he is a happy chappy, whatever you do he goes along and enjoy it, very adaptable in what he is.
It was mainly Sassy who kept going in there she was very pushy, she got the scars to show from when he bit her. Sassy was a dog that enjoyed annoying the other dogs.
I never noticed him interacting, he never gone over to the other dogs, he just does not want them there, not interested at all.
He does not look for leading a pack, he is not interested at all. It is almost as if the rest of the pack does not exist. He is just a happy chappy until they come in his space, loves his walks and food, never seems down.
He seems contented, not fazed by anything, no anxieties. Very accepting of everything, unless somebody pushes in his space.
It is almost like, ow , ow, get away! He does not growl. When I am upstairs, I sometimes hear him, like a funny high pitched bark, this has got a bit more recently.
The two pups are a lot for him to contend with, he is warning them now, he is not nasty it is a pleading noise, it is not a normal doggy noise, he pleads for them to go away.
He loves cuddles and the brush, loves any touching.
He probably does not relax completely now, he does not show it, there is probably tension in him, he can't chill out, frightened he may get stood on.
He never tried to get away from the other dogs for peace and quiet. Sometimes I look at him and it is as if he is not there, he forgot what he had to go and do, as if he is not totally with it, I have to coax him.
I don’t know why he doesn’t put himself away in a cage. He will lay in a corner of the kitchen, I think he’s getting too hot, this makes him anxious to have to come out in the middle and that is why he is making that noise, stay away from me.
continued on p8

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