Page 7 - Autumn 18
P. 7

New consultation again (he is still on the pexion)
‘He urinates like a little girl, his lights are on but there is nobody there (note: he is absent). He looks at you and stand there and is not responding. He is in a little world of his own.
He is not searching for food, he is excited when it comes. Not interested in playing anymore. He has no clue, he is not bothered, he wanders around.
He cries when he is left at home when we go walking the dogs. He makes movements with his mouth as if there is something in his mouth: he pulls his lips up and licks around makes automatic movements. He may still bite your finger by accident if there is any food left on it. He is still sensitive to pain he is a drama queen.’
In the same reperorisation of last time, helleborus was present as well. Helleborus 10M two doses.
His urinary control was much better for 5 weeks but he still does not find his food very well.
Helleborus 30c for a few days and use to effect.
We are again 6 months further.
‘His urination is bad again: the beds are wet every day but we have good old Theo back. He develops cataract and his eyesight is reducing. He is much more active and lost some weight (he needed to lose) with it. His eyesight does not stop him finding all the apples in the garden.’
One dose helleborus 1M: he aggravates 24 hrs and then is better. But the fits are still weekly and 3 months later I prescribe Neon LM3 for 2 weeks.
He chooses not to urinate in his bed. He can move quickly if he wants to. He crashes into things and yelps. He laps with his tongue quite a bit. He cannot find his food well: you put his bowl of food under his nose and he has to look for it: he does not know where the bowl is (always has had this a bit). When he took the neon, his ictus had come back for a short while. It stopped when we stopped the remedy. He does not go out of the way to get some fuss (note: he does not look for being fussed). He is better on walks but the rest is all the same. He is often inside on his own, he is not bothered.
He barks at feeding and walking time, for the rest he sleeps. He does not realise half of the time. He does not know where he is.’
            A few months later, we are 2 years and 5 months after the first appointment.
‘He is having more fits: every 3-4 days, he takes longer to get over them.
His energy on walks is ok though, and he walks round with his bed in his mouth like he always has done (the owner considers this to be good).
I repertorise again and combine the problem of the bladder that keeps returning and I try to illustrate the fact he cannot even find the bowl of food in front of him.
I decide to give him Cannabis indica 200C (spot 18 in this repertorisation) for 3 days
He was brighter for a while and the fits were less bad.
2 months later he was bitten by one of the other dogs and it took a long time to recover. Cannabis indica 10M one dose. He recovers very quickly.
He is doing really well. The number of fits have reduced by half, are less violent and he is happy
He developed a tooth abscess (208). It is painless. He gets another dose of Cannabis indica 10M and some Silicea 6C for a few days. The swelling disappears. A small fistula (in the skin) opens where the swelling was and closes. The swelling comes back every so often and he receives one dose of silicea and then the fistula opens and it all goes down. He is never bothered by it. It only bothers the owner but they agree not to extract the tooth because Theo is never bothered by it. Even on palpation he does not react at all.
The mouth movements have disappeared.
   continued on p6

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