Page 6 - Autumn 18
P. 6

continued from page 3
After his injury, he became a real drama queen: he used to scream for everything that was done to him. Before he was a normal pup. I think he must have broken his skull. His recall now is bad, it used to be good.
He is so nice, always there to greet me, he is the only one that greets me in the night when I come home from work. He whinges and whinges if he is not with you.
He has a funny look in his face before the fits happen.’
with the other dogs now. He likes being with them. Still fits every 4-7 days but they are mild and he gets over them very quickly.
He started leaking urine in his bed. He always has had some problems but it got worse. He used to take allopurinol when he was young. The urine dribbles out of him, he does not realise it. The leaking of urine initially started when we started the phenobarb.
 Theo is happy to come in the surgery, spends most of the time looking for treats on the work surfaces. It takes some time for him to know where the treat is I am handing out to him and searches for it even when it is in front of his nose.
At home he lives separate from the other dogs due to his aggressive behaviour. even though over the years of treatment he improves quite a bit, the owners keep him living separately for quite a long time.
I prescribed Calendula 30 Tid (based on head ‘fractures of the skull’) There was probably never a fracture of the skull but it was the owner’s conviction about this that made me decide. Also, the reaction to an injury of calendula is needing lots of help.
All the ictus reactions (jerking of the head) stopped in 2 days. he became his usual self again...
The owner is happy and agrees to stop the potassium bromide he was taking as well.
But his appetite remains and issue and possibly got worse, A month later because there is no more progress I prescribe Calendula 200 which makes no difference and things get a bit worse: he gets more fits and urinates during his fits. his coordination is not good. he whinges and whinges, always looking for food liking our fingers.
he gets a few doses of Natrum sulph 200 over the next 3 months and he improves. he is better with the other dogs, there are less fits. (remedy selected just based on injuries to head). But again, it is a temporary improvement only.
After a few months he loses his coordination again, he cannot focus. he bit the owner’s finger thinking it was food and was sorry about it. Then, the owner tells me:
‘He rears up like a horse and falls backwards. It looks like the demons coming for him. After the injury when he was young he kept me up all night for some time: he used to scream and cry all night until the chriropractioner sorted him out.’
Camphora 200 one dose (epileptic convulsions: throwing backward)
‘He is real chilled now, he is fantastic, nothing bothers him. He was playing with the other dogs the other day. Less obsessed with food. He is more of an opportunist now, it is not so obsessive anymore. He gets in the bed
He is a different dog, it is just the epilepsy now.
He goes out on walks with us but does his own thing, he is aware of where we are.’
Because urination seems to bother the owner, I prescribe Uva ursi which was mostly a mistake and did not help with anything at all.
Three months later the fits are getting a bit more frequent and severe in presentation: it is once per week, ‘you can set your watch on it’.
‘Becoming whinging again. His carpus was swollen the other day, he was yelping. He is a bit of a drama queen. He was really tired, he could not keep his eyes open. He has again ictus moments every so often. We can hear him grinding his teeth during the fits.
His eyes go heavy and he wants to go asleep. He lags behind on the walks. He is in a world of his own. I don’t think he is with it half of the time. He can be quite clumsy. He whinges and whinges and trips over things. Nothing worries him.’
In the surgery, it always looks like this dog is a bit hither and dither, never really well knowing what he is doing.
I make a repertorisation based on a collection of rubrics indicating sensitivity to pain, the not being really there and some automatic way of doing thing. plus a few other rubrics.
It is a wide ranging repetorisation which produces lots of remedies. I retain Nux mochata (which is in place 40) because the remedy is ‘a spectator of the world who negates life because he finds life absurd’.
Nux m 1M. repeated a few times in three months.
he is brighter, the remedy helps but not fully.
he hurt his toe and is screaming in pain, there is not much to see, it is just a little bit swollen. chamomilla 30 settled this episode.
I prescribe some bufo later. he was still not quite right. I am not sure Bufo helped much.
I do not hear much for 6 months. Theo is ok but mostly the owner is used to how he is. his urinary problems improved by taking propalin but this aggravated his fits.

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