Page 4 - Autumn 18
P. 4

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Our AGM was held on Sunday afternoon, 14th October, at Liverpool. The Minutes have been prepared by Hon. Sec [Please see the minutes in the Member’s section on the website; Ed] The meeting was well-attended and lively debate led to many positive and constructive ideas being put forward. It is clear that the membership is resolved to pursue the course for their patients that they always have hitherto, i.e. putting patient welfare ‘ABoVe All’. It is sad and most unfortunate that a conflict of interest within the RCVS Oath has been created by the current rcVs statement, in which it will not always be possible for practising members to serve all aspects of the Oath. Under such circumstances, we have to fall back on the clear wording: “. . . and that, ABOVE ALL, my constant endeavour will be to ensure the health and welfare of animals committed to my care.”.
The cAM4Animals group, which has provided such active and stalwart support for us since last November, has sent the RCVS a comprehensive document setting out their position and their observations on the inconsistencies created by the ‘Statement’. This will necessitate a thoughtful response and will inevitably lead to a review of the ‘Statement’ while the response is being formulated. It is to be hoped that our point of view may be clearer to the RCVS in the light of that document. Science does not support all ‘conventional’ veterinary activity and there is science and a wealth of case reports to support homeopathy (and other forms of CAM).
Liverpool also provided an opportunity for a public show of gratitude and respect for the life and massive contributions that had been made during his life by peter fisher. It also allowed people to express their grief and sense of loss. However, Peter was a very positive individual and we can do him no better service than to continue to carry the banner and to perform our homeopathic work with professionalism and quality. There will be a memorial service next year.
I am full of admiration for the Officers and Committee who have laboured long and hard on behalf of Veterinary Homeopathy. Many members have also put their shoulders to the wheel in inspiring fashion. They will not rest until the future of Veterinary Homeopathy is back on an even keel. There can be no illusions, however; the forces ranged against homeopathy are powerful, well-organised and effective. However, homeopathy holds a fundamental truth. Truth will out. Veritas Valebit.
As I reflect on the last two months in practice (some of which was taken up with a massive expedition taking in France, Austria, Hungary (going native and off- grid), Germany, Holland and Belgium, with a little imbibing of organic wines along the way and filling
every nook and cranny of the car with same, for our next year’s supply), I am heartened. The demand for homeopathy is still strong. Enlightened folk insist on exploring every therapeutic channel for their beloved animal charges and homeopathy is right up there with what it can offer patients and their guardians. People are not going to be told that they cannot have homeopathic input for their ill or injured animals. The danger is, with our small numbers, that this demand may have to go elsewhere than the veterinary profession, in order to find fulfilment. I don’t believe that that would be the best thing for veterinary homeopathy or for animal patients in the long term. I find that the clients who come to see me are incredibly well-informed, both in respect of options for their animals and in the issues surrounding the RCVS ‘Statement’. The sad thing is that respect for the veterinary profession as a whole appears to have taken a dive, with many clients suggesting that it is all a question of money. Whatever the truth of the matter, such impressions stick and gather momentum. I have to remember that I was proud to join the Profession when I took my Oath in 1972. I would like to think that public faith in the Profession will take an upturn again, before my career comes to an end.
Two people whom I respect had something to say which we can hold in our hearts:
“facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” ’
 ― Aldous Huxley
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it – always.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
I would suggest: bask in the truth but be not complacent.

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