Page 10 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2014
P. 10
New challenge coin by Greg MacNeil
In September of this year we reached out to our membership and Absolute Victory Insignia to design a “Challenge Coin” for the Soci- ety. We wanted the manufac- turer of the coin to be a total- ly “made in the USA” project. What we received was a beautiful coin made of the highest quality materials that represent our society and its goals. The wife of Richard
Rees, one of our members, was most helpful in the de- sign of the coin.
Challenge coins have grown to become an interesting part of the culture of military, law enforcement and firefighters. As the story goes, if people who belong to a specific or- ganization are at a bar and one lays down a challenge coin for the organization and there is another member who
does not have a coin to meet the challenge, then that person buys drinks for the other members. So now that we are beginning this new practice within
our Society, it might be a good idea for all of us to have one of these coins in our pos- session when we attend meetings, conferences or just visiting with Society friends.
We are looking forward to all of our membership having at least one of these coins for their own personal use. We would also suggest that they make an attractive gift to give during the holiday season. When purchasing in quanti- ties of 5 or more, the price is reduced from $11 each to $10 each. They can be pur- chased through our website at and clicking on the picture of the
coins at the “memorabilia” pag
Front Side
I need help with the “DFCS News” pub- lication. If you have experience in writ-
ing articles, please e-mail your ideas and suggestions. Please submit all articles via email in MSWord or similar format. If you cannot use a computer or word-processing program . . . ask a family member to help you.
Please volunteer, even if you do not have experience, but would like to see your DFC story in print, send me your 500 - 1500 word article that you feel our members would enjoy.
Michael O’Neil, Editor
The DFC News Magazine is the official publication of The DFC Society, a 501- C (19) non-profit corp., published three times a year .
Sgt. Alfred P. Murphy cont’d
themselves by “heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in an aeri- al flight.”
After his military career, Mur- phy spent more than 30 years serving his
community as a
firefighter with the Detroit Fire Department.
Comprised of
1,700 personnel and flying both the A-10 Thunderbolt II and the KC-135 Stratotanker, the 127th Wing supports Air Mobility Command, Air Com- bat Command and Air Force Special Operation Command by providing highly-skilled Air-
men to missions domestically and overseas. The 127th Wing is the host unit at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, which marks its 97th year of continuous military air operations in 2014.
“He delights in telling students about the B-17 he flew aboard, which he helped name: the “Big Gas Bird.”