Page 12 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2014
P. 12
Report on the 20th Anniversary Convention by Nash Lamb
The 20th Anniversary and semi-annual Convention of the DFCS was held in Clear- water, FL on the 21st through the 25th of September, 2014. If you missed the extravagan- za, you were deprived of fun, fellowship, education, and of course, a few well told “war stories”.
The weather was fabulous and the location of the hotel was perfect. Your officers and planning committee members presented a complete pro- gram filled with extremely in- teresting and well-chosen events. We started with the Hospitality Room being open next to the registration area. That made it the best substi- tute for the “Officer/NCO Club”. Can you imagine pilots and crew members being
compatible within a drinking establishment! Yes, it was open during most of the con- vention and, additionally, served as the Operations Cen- ter.
From the outside, the Armed Forces Museum looked like a bust. However, once inside, we were all amazed by the scope, accuracy and quality of the exhibits. Following a great tour and lunch, we again retired to the hospitality room where I saw some guy put a DFC Challenge Coin on
the bar thinking he would get a free drink. Of course, all the drinks were free. Must have been a Navy guy.
Following a brief business meeting, we made a trip to our “ship” where we were treated to a dinner cruise around Tampa Bay. It was a beautiful night of music, sights, eating and, of course, drinking.
The next day found us at
McDill AFB for base tour and lunch. We toured aircraft, watched guard dog training, learned how to fold a para- chute, and how to repair air- craft parts. You can sure be proud of today’s service men and women. They are amaz-
ing and so very young.
It was a long day, but the hos- pitality room revived us all as we returned to the hotel where we attended another great dinner and auction.
On our final day, another trip beckoned. Surely you have heard of the movie, “The Dol- phin Tail.” We were guests of the Clearwater Aquarium which is home to Winter, the dolphin without a tail and the friendly dolphin, Hope. What does an aquarium have to do with the military? Everything. A dolphin that loses its tail is