Page 11 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2015
P. 11

Volume 15, Issue 2 - Summer
Coast Guard History cont’d
and excep onal performance, the Air Force awarded them four Silver Stars, 15 Dis nguished Flying Crosses, and 86 Air Medals in addi on to many other accolades. One aviator, Lt. Jack Ri chier, made the ul mate sacri ce trying to rescue a downed Marine Corps A-4 pilot north- west of the A Shau Valley.
One of the 12 pilots, Cmdr. Robert “Bobby” Long, USCG (ret.), spoke on May 13th at the USCG Air Sta on, Traverse City during the dedica on of the 6’ high by 8’ wide mural which is a  meline of the pilots' ac vi es during the Vietnam War including historical insight and was designed by Lt. Dan Schrader, USCG. We would be very honored to have the 9 pilots who were awarded the DFC as members of the DFC Society and ask all our USCG members to not only recruit them but as many other USCG DFC recipients as possible.
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