Page 13 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2015
P. 13
By Chuck Sweeney
Military Officers of America Association 11th annual patriotic photo contest in the Military Family Cate- gory. I was just glancing through the July magazine when the photo jumped right out at me. Congratula- tions Paul and thank you for being a life member of the DFCS and for continuing to defend our freedom.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presen ng the Dis nguished Flying Cross to Captain
Sostenes F. Suazo for extraordinary achievement while par cipa ng in aerial ight as an AC-130 Gun- ship Navigator in Laos on 3 February 1971. On that date, while on a night armed reconnaissance mis- sion over heavily defended hos le supply routes, he directly assisted in the damage or destruc on of 27 hos le supply vehicles and the igni on of numerous secondary res and explosions. Although confront- ed with intense and accurate an -aircra re, he contributed immeasurably to this highly successful interdic on strike against the hos le supply system through accurate planning, superb u liza on from the re control system and precise posi oning of the aircra . The professional competence, aerial skill, and devo on
to duty displayed by Captain Suazo re ect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
Volume 15, Issue 2 - Summer
Those of you who purchased and read the DFCS book “On Heroic Wings: Stories of the Distinguished Flying Cross” should recog- nize this picture as one of many great photos interspersed throughout the pages of the fan- tastic book. The two pilots are shown in the cockpit of the Commemorative Air Force Air- craft FIFI, the world’s only operational B-29 Superfortress, when they flew in it in 1998. The pilot on the right is DFCS active duty member Brig Gen Paul W. Tibbets IV and the pilot on the left is his grandfather, Brig Gen Paul W. Tibbets Jr who is a posthumous DFCS member. Paul W. Tibbets IV is a long time member of the DFCS but it took several years of he and I searching to locate the DFC citation for his grandfather although his Distinguished Service Cross was readily accessible. Paul W. Tibbets IV is now the Commander, 509th Bomb Wing which includes the only B-2 Spirit Wing.
I thought this was a great photo when Paul sent it to me several years ago as it was not only a great photo of both of them but to have a picture of a grandfather and grandson who were both awarded a DFC is pretty unusual. Evidently Paul thinks it is pretty special also as the photo was awarded first place in the
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Iconic Picture from “On Heroic Wings” Wins Award for Paul Tibbets IV