Page 17 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2015
P. 17

Volume 15, Issue 2 - Summer
Honor Flight cont’d
Sid commented that “procras na on is a thief of  me - so don’t delay! World War II veterans should not miss out on this historic and true “Honor Flight.” From the moment we arrived at the airport we were overwhelm- ingly treated with every hospitality and a ec on imagi- nable. The care and concern for our comfort and enjoy- ment con nued throughout our “Honor Flight”. Every aspect of our journey was paid for. From the donors to the volunteers, I would like to extend a hearty oooo-rah!
Group photo of the Seattle Mariners game:
Bill Bradfield, President of the PNW Chapter (on the left) and Jonathan Hayes, PNW Chapter member from Corvallis, Oregon hold the DFC Society banner at the Seattle Mariners game!
The newly
formed Pacific
Chapter (PNWC)
stepped up to
the plate, literal-
ly! Although the Society’s newest Chapter, they took a Major League step forward when they were invited to a Seattle Mariner’s game on July 12 at Safeco
Field! The Mariners organization was extremely gra- cious and welcomed and honored the members of the DFC Society by having them form a semi-circle behind the pitcher’s mound and were then introduced individ- ually to the cheering crowd of 38,000+! After the introductions, the PNW Chapter members remained in place and hand saluted during the playing of the Na- tional Anthem. It was a very humbling experience and for some, especially those Vietnam veterans, provided a feeling of finally being welcomed home! While the team may not be playing their best baseball, the Seat- tle Mariners demonstrated that they are a world class organization in the way they handled this event and treated the members of the DFC society! .
You may want to see if you can arrange a similar event. So far, the San Diego Padres and the Seattle Mariners have been very open to recognition events of this nature – give your team a call!!
Herb Leopold arriving in San Diego from an Honor Flight being escorted by Guardian Dave Hester
Sid Zimman being surrounded by fellow Marines and other admirers after his arrival back in San Diego on his Honor Flight
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