Page 18 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2015
P. 18

San Diego Lindberg Chapter, CA
The San Diego Lindbergh Chapter marched and rode in the huge Coronado Fourth of July Parade for the seventh year in a row. Once again, everyone was overwhelmed by the enthu- sias c response of the spectators (es mated at 60,000 – 80,000) as we approached them. Most people stood up, applauded and cheered so it was very gra fying for the en re group as the crowd really made them feel proud. Usually
along the route.
There were eight marchers including Sid Zimman who wore his Marine Dress Blue uniform and was a favorite of the kids as well as the adults as he high  ved them along the route. Diz Laird (Navy Ace) rode in a WWII jeep, Bob Cardenas (dropped Chuck Yeager on his supersonic  ight) rode with Michael O’Neil (President Emeritus) and Ruben Or z drove his beau fully decorated truck.
As always, Linda King did a superb job of organizing everything and everyone. We even had several Pearl Harbor Club members ride the Old Town Trol- ley with the DFCS members as they had missed their transporta on. A er the parade, Jon Laws, the Old Town Trolley driver (has been our driver in the pa- rade for the past six years) drove everyone over to see Sybil Stockdale (VADM Jim Stockdale’s widow) as Jim is a posthumous DFCS member and this par cu- lar trolley is dedicated to him. It is always touching to see her.
AFROTC Cadets help carry the banner but there was a glitch this year and they were not available. Being resourceful, Gene Alfaro recruited ten Navy Sea Cadets who were also marching in the parade to carry the banner. The young Sea Cadets quick- ly learned how to avoid the presents that the Bor- der Patrol horses directly ahead of us deposited
Inland Empire Chapter, Riverside CA
Two outgoing Directors and the 2015-16 Executive Board of the Inland Empire Chapter of DFCS.
L to R: Mel Hodell, OG Dir., Lee Russell , OG Dir. Jimmie Ford, Director, Jackie Kahler, Chaplain,
Lou Lyons, Treasurer, Jennifer McMullen, Secretary; Mel McMullen, President, Warren Eastman, Dir.
Bill Baltazar, V. P.; absent Jim Davidson, Dir.
Page 18
Tucson, AZ Chapter Meeting
Tucson, AZ, Chapter meeting!
Pictured, left to right, Don Shepperd,
Jerry Snyder, Paul Faust, Dave Patton, Marty Lenzini (Chapter President),
Rob Van Sice, Harold Lisberg, Dave Hinken, Charlie Palmer, and Carl Shumway.

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