Page 13 - DFCS News Magazine Spring 2015
P. 13

Cape Coral Florida chapter of the DFC
member, Frank Heffernan gave a talk recently about his experiences as a heli- copter pilot in Viet Nam, getting shot at while rescuing wounded and how it af- fected his life, to a crowd of over 300 at Florida Gulf Coast University's Veter- ans Voices symposium.
Lt. Col Jim Conner, member of the Cape Coral Florda DFC chapter, represented DFC as part of a Red Cross float honor- ing veterans during the Edison Junior parade Feb. 15 and the Edison Festival of Light parade in Ft. Myers, Florida Feb. 21.
“...for heroism or extraordinary achievement in aerial flight.”
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Captain John F. Morgan for extraordinary
achievement while participating in aerial flight as an AC-119K Pilot in Southeast Asia on 2 No- vember 1971. On that date, Captain Morgan flew an armed reconnaissance mission against heavily defended supply routes being used by hostile forces. After locating several truck con- voys, moving under the cover of darkness, Cap- tain Morgan’s aircraft made repeated attacks against the convoys despite very intense and ac- curate anti-aircraft fire. Captain Morgan’s supe- rior airmanship resulted in the damage and de- struction of several hostile supply vehicles. The professional competence, aerial skill and devo- tion to duty displayed by Captain Morgan reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Ser- geant Richard G. Picard for extraordinary
achievement while participating in aerial flight as an AC-130 Gunship Aerial Gunner over South- east Asia on 25 April 1973. On that date, while on a night armed reconnaissance mission over heavily defended hostile supply routes, his ac- tions led to the damage and destruction of 7 hos- tile supply routes vehicles and the creation of nu- merous secondary fires and explosions. Despite violent aircraft maneuvers to avoid intense bar- rages of accurate anti-aircraft fire, he demonstrat- ed resourcefulness and determination by main- taining ready firepower and made these extraor- dinary mission results possible. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by Sergeant Picard reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
Volume 15, Issue 1 - Spring 2015
Cape Coral Florida Chapter
Page 13

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