Page 14 - DFCS News Magazine Spring 2015
P. 14
In October of 2014 Marty Lenzini sent out let- ters to DFC recipient in Tucson area. In that letter he scheduled a meeting in November at a local restaurant. Eight members showed up for that first meeting where they elected officers and established a meeting schedule of every other month. In January of 2015 the group added an- other four members and were joined by Glenn Scott, Chapter President of the Warhawk Air Museum Chapter in Idaho!
The roster now stands at 15 members and the next meeting will be on the fourth of March. The Commander of the Air Maintenance and Recov- ery Group will do a presentation followed by a tour of the Boneyard
from left to right: Charlie Palmer, Marty Lenzini (Pres), Hal Lisberg, Hal Gil- bert, Jim Wagner, Carl Shumway, Dave Hinken (VP), and Paul Faust (Sec/Tres).
Bob Will
The Inland Em- pire Chapter in Riverside California enjoyed an interest- ing program at the January meeting pre- sented by Bob Will, retired U.S. Forest Division Chief, on "Firefighting Air Tankers/Past & Pre- sent". Several of our members & guests in attendance identified
revolution in battlefield medicine.
At the March meeting the Inland Empire Chapter will be privileged to hear from Pat Macha, author and world famous aviation archeologist-- an interest- ing topic for aviation buffs.
On a more local level, the Chapter accepted with re- gret the resignation of Vice-President Lee Russell and thanked him for his years of service. We wel- comed Bill Baltazar as the new Vice-President and Warren Eastman as a new Director.
At the Florida DFCS convention, our chapter was the successful bidder on two lovely oil paintings by Jim Champlin of the National Memorial and we plan to present them to the March Field Air Museum in Riv- erside, California.
If you are in the neighborhood, the Inland Empire Chapter meets at noon on the third Thursday of the month at Air Force Village West, Riverside, Califor- nia. We normally do not have meetings in July, Au- gust, and December.
Tucson Chapter Meeting
Inland Empire Chapter, Riverside CA
with the military aircraft used in firefighting.
In February President Mel McMullen will pre- sent a DVD donated by member Phil Holdaway, helicopter pilot, titled “When I Have Your Wounded: The DUSTOFF Legacy.” From the legendary pioneers of Army MEDEVAC in Ko- rea and Vietnam to the front-line “Dustoff” mis- sions in the deserts of the Middle East, it carries viewers through a harrowing, heroic, life-saving
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