Page 2 - DFCS News Magazine Spring 2015
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We are hard at work plan- ning our next conven- tion, which is scheduled for the Dallas/Fort Worth area Septem- ber 25 – 29, 2016. The theme for the convention is “Heroic Wom- en of the DFC”. We are lining up speakers early, and the North
Texas Chapter is fully supportive of our efforts to make this an outstanding and fun-filled event. We hope many of you will attend, as it is central- ly located making it convenient for everyone, and the area offers an abundance of attractions. More details to follow but lock in the dates now.
In line with the theme of the convention, there is an article in this issue about Lt. (jg) Sara Stires USN, who recently joined the DFC Society as a life member. As far as we can determine, Sara is the only US Navy female (Pilot or NFO) to have been awarded a DFC. Sara’s name was given to me several years ago; and I tried tracking her down but had no luck until last year. I renewed my search and finally located her. After she agreed to talk with me, she decided to join us. She is a great person and, we are lucky to have her as a member. Persistence pays off. It would be great if each one of you recruited just one new member from any era but especially active duty recipients.
Greg Mac Neil and his team are doing a fantastic job of rebranding the DFC Society. The chal- lenge coins are a beautiful example and have been a very successful addition to our memora- bilia collection. The coins themselves are a very effective advertising piece, as you never know who will see them and learn about the DFC Soci- ety. The team also redesigned the bumper stick- ers and window decals and, the new brand comes across extremely well. They have completed the DFCS business cards and stationery and are cur-
rently revising the membership applications. It is a very long and complicated process but, so far the re- sults are gratifying.
The sponsorship status for the DFC Society Docu- mentary is ongoing, and although no one has signed up yet, we are very hopeful that some of our contacts will pan out. We could use contacts at the highest level of aerospace corporations so if you have a friend or relative that may be able to help, please let us know.
Don’t forget that our great book “On Heroic Wings: Stories of the Distinguished Flying Cross” is anoth- er way of advertising the DFC Society. If you have it setting on the coffee table, it opens up the dialog. Also donating a copy to your local library or local ROTC/JROTC units brings publicity.
Terry Sullivan is doing a great job interacting with the chapters but he and the chapters could really use your help. Please help them by attending their meet- ings and functions and also by volunteering for posi- tions on their boards.
Thank you for your service and membership and your feedback.
Chuck Sweeney President & CEO
I need help with the “DFCS News” publication. If you have experience in writing articles, please e-mail your ideas and suggestions. Please submit all articles via email in MSWord or similar format. If you cannot use a
computer or word-processing program . . . ask a family member to help you.
Please volunteer, even if you do not have experience, but would like to see your DFC story in print, send me your 500 - 1500 word article that you feel our members would enjoy.
Michael O’Neil, Editor
Presidents Message
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