Page 14 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2012
P. 14

By Chuck Sweeney
Since I was involved in the efforts by the fantastic Balthazor family to honor George, I thought I would follow up the preceding great news article written by John Wilkens with my perception of the Memorial Service held on March 2, 2012. Everything about the cere- mony for George Balthazor was truly inspiring. San Diegans came through in fine style as I would estimate a crowd of about 125 people including four DFC Society members (Dan King, Herb Leopold, myself and Associate Linda Stull). The local ABC TV station was there with Bob Lawrence doing the reporting (see: ). John Wilkens (the SD Union Tribune news reporter) attended as well as a photographer from the paper who took the pictures that appeared in the March 3rd edition. There were people from all walks of life as well as the official USAF Honor Guard from March ARB and an unofficial Honor Guard of various Vet- erans organizations including the Combat Vets Association, the Patriot Guard Riders and others. The family was thrilled by the outpouring of support.
Frank Balthazor did a great job of describing the events over the years after George returned from the war and the feelings of the family as he seemed to disappear. Frank also profusely thanked Dan King, Herb Leopold, me and the DFC Society for our support of the family in their quest for closure. The Air Force came through in fine style for one of their own when they did a flyover in two F-16s. As always, I choked up when Taps was played and again when a Bagpiper who came to honor George played Amazing Grace. After the official part of the service was complete, people who wanted to speak were invited to come forward. Quite a few did so and for some you could tell this memorial service provided somewhat of a closure for them. I spoke and lauded the Balthazor family for their persistence and determina- tion to have the public not just recognize George for his service but to prevent this happening to other Georges. I also mentioned that George was now officially a member of the DFC Society and was on the Honor Roll. This occurred because I had Frank send me a complet- ed application form with a copy of the WD separation papers listing the DFC. After the service I was able to present Frank & Steve with the new member packet including the certificates and DFCS News Magazines thanks to a team effort by Bev, Mary Ellen and Michael. It was truly a very uplifting and emotional day coupled with some sadness but George was not left behind due to his wonderful family.
Two months after the memorial service, the family learned that two anonymous donors purchased a plaque that was placed on the Wall at the Mt Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego. The plaque is 16" by 8" and is just beautiful. According to the Memorial Website a plaque of this size cost $1500. The Balthazor family thinks that “the people of San Diego are just wonderful”.
The Balthazor fam- ily fully supported George.
*book excerpt
The George Balthazor Plaque on the Mt Soledad Memorial Wall
The President of the Unit- ed States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Captain Duane F. Cocking for extraordinary achievement
while participating in aerial flight as a Pilot of a C7A aircraft at Phuoc Vinh, Republic of Vietnam on 30 March 1969. While await- ing clearance for take-off, the field came under a heavy attack with several rounds impacting very
near Captain
Cocking’s position.
Captain Cocking
made an immedi-
ate departure during which he sighted the firing position which was subsequently destroyed by Phuoc Vinh’s artillery. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by Captain Cocking reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
Summer 2012 Issue Page 14

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