Page 15 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2012
P. 15
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in present- ing the Distinguished Flying Cross to Airman First Class Harley R. Beck, Jr., for outstanding achievement while participating in aerial flight as a Gun-
ner of a B-26 attack bomber, 34 Bombardment Wing (L), Fifth Air Force on the night of 17 October 1952. Airman Beck displayed outstanding airman- ship and gunnery skill while on an armed recon- naissance over the enemy’s main supply route between Suan and Sokung in North Korea. An ene- my convoy of twenty-five vehicles was sighted and immediately taken under attack in a series of bomb-
ing superior marksmanship, scored several direct hits on these moving targets. These aggressive and highly coordinated attacks resulted in the destruc- tion of five supply-laden vehicles thus depriving the enemy of vital supplies. By his high skill, cour- age and devotion to duty, Airman Beck has brought great credit upon himself, his organization, and the United States Air Force.
*book excerpt
*book excerpt
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant Colonel Harold J. Birkhofer for extraordinary achieve- ment while participating in aerial
flight as Aircraft Commander of an CH-3E helicop- ter in Southeast Asia on 15 August 1971. On that date, Colonel Birkhofer led a formation of three helicopters to place a friendly reconnaissance team deep inside hostile territory. Despite severe weather conditions, the constant threat of hostile fire, and the
limited ca-
pabilities of
his aircraft,
plished his mission undetected using precision navigation and thereby insuring the successful completion of the mission. The professional com- petence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty dis- played by Colonel Birkhofer reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
*book excerpt
Page 15 The Distinguished Flying Cross News