Page 6 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2012
P. 6

The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Dis- tinguished Flying Cross to First Lieuten-
ant Leonard D. Kraus for extraor- dinary achievement while partici- pating in aerial flight in the North African and Mediterranean thea- tres of operations. Consistently, throughout many combat missions against highly important and stra- tegic enemy installations, the per- sonnel listed below have demon- strated the highest order of pro- fessional skill, heroism, leadership and devotion to duty. Although regularly and frequently opposed by large numbers of enemy fight- ers, together with intense, accu-
rate, and heavy anti-aircraft fire during which their aircraft were, at times, seriously damaged, these men have fought through to their targets and aided in the destruc- tion of these vital objectives. De- spite severe and adverse weather conditions, rugged terrain and many other major obstacles and hazards, these men have gallantly engaged, fought and defeated the enemy without regard for their own personal safety and against great odds. Their conspicuous and extraordinary achievements throughout these many missions against the enemy have been of inestimable value to successful combat operations and have re- flected great credit upon them- selves and the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Leonard flew 250 combat hours in B-24’s out of Italy with 5 mis- sions to Ploesti and 5 to Vienna.
Leonard is a Founding Director of The Distinguished Flying Cross Society
*book excerpt
*book excerpt
Summer 2012 Issue Page 6

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