Page 7 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2012
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I need help with the “DFCS News” publication. If you have experience in writing articles, please e-mail me
with ideas and suggestions. Please submit all articles via email in MSWord or similar format. If you cannot use a computer or word-processing program ...ask a family member to help you.
Please volunteer, even if you do not have experience but would like to see your DFC story in print, send me your 500 - 1500 word article that you feel our members would enjoy.
Michael O’Neil, Editor
The Southwest Florida chapter of the DFC was invited to be cele- brated guests at an Everblades Hockey game, complete with private VIP box suite with drinks and food, a visit from the Everblades cheerleaders, and a standing ovation from the audience when they were announced and their pictures put on the stadium screen.
Le to right with the cheerleaders are John Buick, Norm Stanley and Jim Conner
In May, the Inland Empire Chapter participated at the March ARB Armed Forces Day Air Show, which featured the Air Force Thunderbirds flight demonstration team. Pictured are volunteers Dave Clement, Jennifer and Mel McMullen and Ken Marks. Your President, Chuck Sweeney, was also there only this time he was behind the camera!
Volunteers from the Inland Empire Chapter worked the booth for both days of the show in an attempt to recruit new members, both National and Chapter. Sales of the DFC book “On Heroic Wings” were also promoted along with sales of DFC National Memorial tiles. And most important, the booth served to expose the general public to your Distinguished Flying Cross Society.
Page 7 The Distinguished Flying Cross News