Page 13 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2014
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Tampa, like most metropolitan areas, suffers traffic jams, rush hour stop and go, and the occasional parking lot caused by a collision. A cou- ple of things you might want to consider when a ending the conven on, September 21 - 25 in Saint Petersburg/Clearwater are the airport Super Shu le and the Jolley Trolley!
The Tampa airport is located about 22 miles from the Hotel and on a good day, the trip can take about 45 minutes. Therefore, the Tampa Bay Area Chapter recommends you use the Super Shu le service from the airport to the hotel. Super Shu le has also provided the DFC Society a group discount! To make a reserva on go to h p://www.supershu For phone reserva ons call (888) 888- 6025 and make sure you men on the group discount rate using the code "Z6JAK"!
Once you're at the Hotel the Jolley Trolley is the way to go! The Jolley Trolley is the perfect alterna ve to sightseeing or shopping without the stress of finding your way around town, parking, and traffic jams! With two routes available, you have the op on of going round-trip from Clearwater Beach to Sand Key to see the sights; or if you want to go shopping, the round-trip Downtown to Island Estates route is the way to go. Both routes average 30 to 35 minutes, and you can ride for as long as you like. For rates and more informa on visit
or call (727) 445-1200 for more informa on!
2014 Convention
In some parts of the country, sand between your toes isn't a treat, but it will be at the Dis nguished Flying Cross Society's 2014 Conven on being held in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, September 21 - 24, 2014!!
Think about it - the host hotel, the Sheraton Sun Key Resort is on the Gulf Coast just a few feet from the warm water of the Gulf of Mexico, with sunsets in the a ernoon, beverage of your choice, friends, family, and fellow aviators. The Tampa Bay Area Chapter has been busy se ng the stage for a fun-filled, laid back conven on. There are cruises, lunches, local a rac ons and plenty of  me for camaraderie that are built into the schedule. There will also be  me to get plenty of sand between your toes!!
Sheraton Sand Key Resort
something for everyone - but you have to pay to play!! (See "Silent Auc on" in the Scribe's Scribbles in this edi on of the magazine)
Something new for this convention will be the "Author's Corner." Known fact that we have a lot of authors within the membership ranks, so at this convention we will be providing table space for five authors to display and sell their books. Authors that are interested need to contact Bruce Huffman, Chairman of the Board, at to reserve a place in the Author's Corner!
Check out the schedule of events and note all that is included in the reg- istration fee. This event is almost an all inclusive event and all you need to do is bring your "fun meter!" Don't forget registration cutoff will be August 21, 2014 so register early and avoid the rush!
See you in St. Petersburg....with sand between your toes!!
While the tours will be engag- ing, interes ng and fun, there will also be a silent auc on
prior to the dinner on Tuesday, September 23rd. At the last conven on we raised over $2,400 to help defray conven-  on expenses and add to the scholarship fund! This year's silent auc on should be just as much fun and the Tampa Bay Chapter guarantees there will be
As if the Gulf wasn't invi ng enough, this is the pool at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort!
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