Page 14 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2014
P. 14

The year was 1950, and the month June. On the 25th, the North Koreans invaded the Republic of South Korea and, one of the first "Police Ac ons" against communist aggression was started. We know it as the Korean War or “The Forgo en War” and this year's conven on being held in Tampa, Florida, September 21st through the 25th will pay tribute to all those Dis nguished Flying Cross recipients from that era.
The Tampa Bay Area Chapter of the DFC Society has put together a fun-filled, dynamic and interes ng reunion that highlights the sand, surf and sun of the area with venues that feature airplanes, camaraderie, and fellowship! The loca on is the Sheraton Sand Key Resort, 1160 Gulf Boule- vard, Clearwater Beach, Florida 33767. The room rate is $119 per night plus tax. Parking at the hotel is complimentary. The room rate will be honored 3 days before and 3 days a er the reunion dates for anyone who would like to extend their stay. The registra on fee is $399.00 per person and includes the following:
Welcoming Package with Name Badge, I nerary, List of A endees, & Local Informa on - Hospitality Room Stocked with Snacks, Beverages & Cocktails all 4 Days
Sunday September 21st - 2:00pm / Registra on and Hospitality Room Open
Monday September 22nd - 9:30am-2:00pm / Armed Forces History Museum Tour with Lunch Monday September 22nd - 4:00pm-5:00pm / Business Mee ng
Monday September 22nd - 6:00-10:00pm / Dinner Cruise
Tuesday September 23rd - 9:00am-4:30pm / MacDill Air Force Base Tour with Lunch
Tuesday September 23rd - 6:00pm-10:pm / Dinner Buffet ~ Silent Auc on and Live Auc on Wednesday September 24th - 9:00am-2:00pm / Clearwater Aquarium Tour with Lunch Wednesday September 24th - 6:00pm-11pm / Banquet Dinner & Program
Call the Sheraton Key Resort at 727-595-1611 no later than August 21, 2014 to make your room reserva ons. Be sure to men on you are with The Dis nguished Flying Cross Society to receive the reduced group rate.
Sunday, September 21st, registra on opens at 2:00 pm at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort. In addi on, the hospitality suite will be open and remain a focal point for fellowship and "vocal embellishments!"
Monday, September 22nd, the reunion will start off with a tour to the Armed Forces Military Museum that includes historic dioramas of World War I up to and including United States involvement in Iraq. The Korean War Exhibits at the Armed Forces History Museum encompass a number of impressive dioramas that include a Bulldog Tank, a Pa on Tank, WC 51 Weapons Carrier and a 40 mm An -Aircra  gun plus other vehicles. Lunch is included on this tour. Following the tour the group will return to the Sands Key Resort for a short break before the evening's ac vi es kick off. Monday evening will feature a moon light Tropical Dinner cruise of Tampa Bay resplendent in city lights, so  surf, and great food, music and dancing. We've been promised outstanding weather for the dinner cruise but, as all aviators know, those weather guys can't always be trust- ed! Then it's back to the Resort for fellowship in the bar
Tuesday, September 23rd, will start off with a tour to MacDill AFB, home to US Central Command and the 6th Air Mobility Wing. Our hosts, the 6th AMW, will have sta c displays of KC-135 and C-37 aircra  plus a tour of the base with a poten al of addi onal aircra  on display. Our hosts have guaranteed a great  me, interes ng presenta ons, and the opportunity to talk first hand to those at the point of the spear. It should be noted that one of our own, Chief Master Sergeant Thomas (Tommy) Mazzone, 6th AMW Command Master Chief, will be our host for the day! This should prove to be a most enjoyable and memorable tour of MacDill AFB, Florida and does include lunch!
Following the tour, we'll take a leisurely trip back to the Resort where the a endees can slip off their shoes for a walk on the beach or enjoy the camaraderie of the hospitality suite prior to the silent auc on and great dinner at the hotel.
Wednesday morning, September 24th, the reunion group will depart the Resort for a tour of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. The Clearwater Marine Aquarium is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilita on and release of injured marine animals, public educa on, and animal-assisted therapy and research. Numerous forms of marine life reside at the aquarium, all have serious injuries which do not permit their return to the wild, and thus become permanent residents. The aquarium's best-known permanent resident, and the focus of its marke ng campaigns, is Winter, a bo lenose dolphin who was rescued in December 2005 a er having her tail caught in a crab trap. Her injuries caused the loss of her tail, and the aquarium fi ed her with a prosthe c tail which brought worldwide a en on to the facility. Winter later starred in the 2011 film, Dolphin Tale, and the 2014 sequel, Dolphin Tale 2, shot par ally on loca on at the aquarium. A lunch buffet is included on this tour.
Wednesday evening will be the final recogni on dinner at the Sand Key Resort. The dress for this dinner will be business dress or formal dress with medals op onal and cocktail dresses for the ladies. The dinner will honor our Korean War veterans DFC recipients and will be a fi ng end to a great reunion, in a great city, hosted by the Tampa Bay Area Chapter.
For more informa on contact:
The Reunion BRAT at 360-663-2521 or email Tampa Bay area contact: John Appel at 727-586-0538 or email
And for those of you that want to just lay back, the hotel boasts a great beach. Should you want to kick up your heels and explore the rest of the area, you can take the Jolly Trolley, which is available right outside the front door. It will take you to a myriad of other local a rac ons, shops, and eateries!
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