Page 19 - Laqfoil Technical Catalog
P. 19

 Architectural Features: Cornices, Beams,Pipes, Pillars, Columns
Architectural millwork such as cornices may be used to hide the edge of a stretched ceiling if a less high-tech, more traditional look is desired. These should be installed after the stretch ceiling installation has been completed. We recommend that they be painted in advance to avoid getting paint on the stretch ceiling, but the paint may be touched up after installation to hide screws, nails, or any marks that happened during installation.
We can integrate Laqfoil stretch ceiling with ceiling beams or a coffered ceiling.
Not only do we have systems to incorporate pillars, columns and pipes passing vertically through a horizontal stretched ceiling, Laqfoil stretch ceiling is also an ideal material for disguising unsightly pillars, columns, pipes, and bulkheads when installed vertically.
Relief Design: Between 2D and 3D
Stretched ceiling can be used to create a bas relief effect in large scale. This is especially useful for designs that incorporate a logo that has depth as part of its design, and multiple colours of membrane may be used with this technique. Stretched ceiling may also be layered with other stretched ceiling to create a multilevel look. This may also be done with a wall mural, and may use transparent or specially-finished membrane. The membrane can be perforated and can have an LCD backlight assembly installed behind it or between two membranes.
Sloped Ceilings
Stretched ceiling is also ideal for attics or upper stories in buildings with sloped roofs, or to create decorative elements that add virtually no weight to the existing structure.
Sculptural Forms
arious types of spatial structures can be created using stretch technology. Three dimensional sculptural forms may be suspended from the solid building ceiling structure and serve as pendant lights, or may be attached to a ceiling or wall. The simplest of these forms is a cube or box. These boxes usually combine a wooden, metal, or plastic frame with a transparent, perforated, or semi-transparent membrane screen. Our profiles alone are not made to support a stretched membrane without being mounted on a firmer structure such as a wall or ceiling, so in order to make these structures, and internal “skeleton”, generally of wood or metal is required. We are happy to work with you, both in the design and fabrication of this structure to ensure that it will both look right and provide adequate support.
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