Page 15 - Kelas XI_Bahasa Inggris_KD 3.3
P. 15

Please present this invitation and your credential at
                                                             the entry.

                                The Sentence Showing Invitation
                                    1.  You are cordially invited to attend Welcome Reception
                                    2.  Using phrase showing intention
                                        cordially invited = showing intention
                              Good job! Ternyata jawaban Anda tidak jauh perbeda dari pembahasan ini.
                              Selamat  Anda  sudah  memahami  teks  undangan  resmi  berbentuk  surat.
                              Sekarang baca teks 1 dan teks 2 sekali lagi. Kemudian bandingkan kedua
                              surat undang tersebut dengan menuliskan persamaan dan perbedaan pada
                              tabel berikut.

                              Practise 4:  Individual work: Please write your conclusion after doing
                                         task 2 by telling their similarities and the differences of the
                                         letters in the following grid.

                                                 Similarities                       Differences

                              Well done, Anda sudah bisa membedakan dua undangan berbentuk surat
                              tadi.  Nah,  sekarang  saatnya  membaca  surat  undangan  lain  berlatih
                              menangkap makna dari teks surat undangan berikut ini.

                              Practise  5:    Individual  work:  Please  read  the  following  email  then
                                         answer the questions that follow.
                                    Mr. Suryananto
                                    Manager of Shen-shen Corp.
                                    Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta

                                    September 12 ,  2020

                                    Subject: Invitation for Launching a new product

                                    Dear Mr. Suryananto
                                    It is a great pleasure to invite you for launching our new product. It will be on
                                    September  9,  2018  at  8.30  pm.  The  event  will  also  introduce  our  product
                                    ambassador that has worked for this magazine.

                                    The event is for our business partners and high profile clients. The event will
                                    be started with the formal launch of the magazine. Covering all the issues of
                                    health and has contributions from leading doctors and consultants. We felt that
                                    the society needs a magazine that will focus on issues related to health and
                                    hence we decided to go for this type of publication.

                                    This event will give you an opportunity to interact with various clients and
                                    colleagues  in  media  industry.  Please  confirm  your  presence  latest  by
                                    September 2, 2017. We look forward you at the event.



                       2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN          Page 12
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