Page 11 - AL-Awsath
P. 11
Lokasi Pesantren
“Al Awsath” telah disiapkan diarea seluas 1,8 ha yang bersumber dari waqaf para
Muhsinin di kota Lhokseumawe. Bertempat di desa Cut Mamplam, Kecamatan Muara Dua, Kota
Lhokseumawe, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia. Area tersebut telah direncanakan peruntukannya
untuk seluruh fasilitas yang dibutuhkan guna menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran bagi para
santri. Berikut informasi lokasi pesantren Al Awsath:
The location for "Al Awsath" has been prepared in an area of 1.8 hectares sourced from the
endowments of the Muhsinin in the city of Lhokseumawe. Located in Cut Mamplam village, Muara
Dua sub-district, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh Province, Indonesia. This area has been planned for all
the facilities needed to carry out the learning process for the students. The following is information
about the location of the Al Awsath Islamic boarding school:
Longitude : 5o08’03.1” N
Latitude : 97o07’51.4” N
Height : 57 masl
Link GoogleMap :,97.131256
Khidmatu Izzatil Ummah Fondation - 2024 9