P. 92


       a. Dropping

       1. Secure a dropping form from the Registrar’s Office;

          2. Accomplished the dropping form a to be signed by the subject

          Instructor/Professor and the Registration Adviser, noted by the

          Dean/Program chair; and

          3. Submit a copy of the form at the Registrar’s Office one week

          after the last day of enrollment in a term.

   Note: Any student who fails to attend classes shall be consider

   dropped. Subjects officially dropped within three (3) days after the

   start of classes will no longer reflected in the TOR.

       b. Adding of Subjects

       1. Secure adding form from the Registrar’s Office;

       2. Accomplished adding form to be signed by the subject

       Instructor/Professor and the Registration Adviser, noted by the

       Dean/Program Chair, and for approval by the Registrar;

       3. Pay adding fee to the Cashier’s Office (as applicable; and

       4. Submit approved adding form to the Registrar’s Office within 7

       days after the first day of classes.
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