Page 105 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 105

1 Describe the picture. What do you know about deserts?

2 Listen and read. ~ 104


What is a desert?                                      What plants and animals live;n
                                                       hot deserts?
There are different kinds of deserts. There
are hot deserts and there are cold deserts.            Plants and animals need water to survive.
The Sahara Desert is the biggest hot desert            The desert is ver!:) dr!:) but amazingl!:), there
in the world. The Gobi Desert is alwa!:)s ver!:)       are man!:) plants in the desert. There are also
cold. Some deserts are sand!:) . Some deserts          man!:) animals, insects and birds. How do the!:)
are rock!:) . Other deserts have mountains.            survive?
Antarctica is the coldest place in the world, but
it is a desert and it is covered in snow and ice.      Some plants, like cacti, keep rain water in their
                                                       leaves for a long time. Other plants have long
What is the weather like in                            roots. The roots take water from deep under
the desert?                                            the ground.

A desert is aver!:) dr!:) place. It has ver!:) little  Some animals in the desert never drink. The!:)
rain . It snows in Antarctica, but it does not often   get water from seeds and plants. Man!:)
rain. In hot deserts, it is ver!:) hot during the      animals are nocturnal. This means the!:) sleep
da!:) and then ver!:) cold at night. When it rains,    during the hot da!:) and come out at night.
it rains suddenl!:). But there is ver!:) little water  Some animals live underground for most of the
in the desert. Sometimes !:)ou can find water          time because it is colder.
in rocks underground . These places are called
oases.                                                 People often travel in the desert on camels .
                                                       These animals can drink a lot of water ver!:)
It can be ver!:) wind!:) in the desert, too. There     quickl!:) and then the!:) do not need to drink for
can be sandstorms or snowstorms. In sand!:)            a ver!:) long time. The!:) are perfect in the desert!
deserts, the wind blows the sand and makes big
shapes like mountains. These shapes are called
sand dunes.

3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).          2 It never rains in the desert.
    1 It is always hot in the desert. _ _              4 Some animals don't need water.
    3 Animals and plants live in the desert.

Ask and answer.
1 Have you ever been to a desert? What was it like?
2 Would you like to go on a trip to the desert? Why?

                                                         Extensive reading: Life in the desert
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