Page 51 - family_and_friends_2ed_4_CB_Neat
P. 51

                                                                              Lesson Six

Li sten to this fable and tick (V) the correct moral. ~ 49

.\ fable is a story with a moral. It teaches you how to behave. The moral of this fable is:

0Always work hard.    02 Never say things that are not true.

isten again and put the pictures in the correct order.

  ere is a modern version of The Boy who Cried Wolf.
_ook at the pictures and tell the story.

gi rl / bored /  shouted help /  mum ran /               next day / real mum / not true /
mum inside        saw a snake     no snake            snake / girl shouted stayed inside

:: ,vords stay the same in t he plural. Some words ore completely different.

- - de the plurals that are different. Underline the plurals
  at stay the same.

on e foot G fe®       2 one fish            two fish

ne tooth two teeth    4 one sheep two sheep

ne person two people  6 one woman two women

                                                              listening, speaking, writing Unit 6
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