Page 18 - 3rd intermediate student's
P. 18

P Project 1: More than just shopping!

D Design a new type of mall which is about more than shopping.

1                                                            2
    Think about how your                                         Name your mall. List the
    mall will be different.                                      different places in your mall.

                                          Education Arts

                                    Solar energy
                                       History Animals

4                      3                                        6
    Draw a floorplan       You will need a large                    Share your new
    of your new mall.      piece of paper, a                        mall with the class.
    Label it.              ruler, pencils and
                           colouring pens.

                           Now write about your
                           mall. Explain why it is
                           more than just shopping!

                       Project 1 More than just shopping! 17
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