Page 23 - TRiO Abstract Booklet-Virtual Explorations
P. 23
Larae Reginald Charz
Jackson Ray Seaman
Other Group Members: Jacob Barnes, Rasheed Dumas, and Kori Howard
Comparative Analysis of the Speed of the Sphero Bolt Ball-Shaped Rolling
Robot on Hardwood/Tile Flooring Compared to Carpet
The effect of friction on robot performance is a subject that is highly researched in the industrial and
engineering fields. The knowledge of the effect of friction is necessary to the use, performance, and
improvement of robots in many industries. It is also important to industries to study the effect of friction on the
performance of robots to help in the research and development of better robots for use in different scientific
fields. We hypothesized if the speeds of the Sphero Bolt ball-shaped rolling robot on two different floor
surfaces were the same, then friction had no effect on the speed and thus performance of the robot.