Page 11 - TRiO Abstract Booklet-Virtual Explorations
P. 11
Group Members
Alexis Daijah
Mitchell McCrary
Skeletal Muscle Differentiation
Skeletal muscle accounts for almost half of our total body mass and receives impulses from neurons that
trigger contractions to allow movement. There is currently a search for more efficient ways to treat
skeletal muscle injury, which is the most common sports-related injury. This research analyzed the
differentiation of skeletal muscle or myogenesis with the transcription of MyoD by promoter activation
and compared the process to the duration of differentiation in neurons. This study hypothesized that gene
transcription by promoter activation can accurately measure cell differentiation and that neurons require
less time to differentiate.
Using an existing myogenic cell line, MyoD was tracked by the expression of promoter mCherry and
observed with a fluorescence microscope. Additionally, using an existing neural cell line, the lengths of
time that both lineages underwent differentiation were compared.