Page 18 - Science in Africa
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Nothing small about
subsequently served a single three-year term development of online monitoring systems
Professor Nelson Torto
as head of the chemistry department. for carbohydrates in biotechnological samples.
In 2012, Prof Torto was appointed the He developed the area of in-vitro
N chief executive officer of that has seen him receive several awards, enzymatic samples with high-performance
microdialysis sampling for carbohydrates in
elson Torto is the founding
founding chief executive officer of BITRI.
He has had an outstanding research career
anion exchange chromatography coupled to
the Botswana Institute for
mass spectrometry or integrated pulsed
including the American Chemical Society’s
Technology Research and
Young Investigators in Separation Science
Innovation (BITRI).
electrochemical detection.
He is a fellow of the
Professor Torto’s significant contribution
Botswana Academy of Sciences, fellow of the Award, as well as the Award for Collaboration was in the fundamental studies for the
in Analytical Chemistry from the Nigerian
African Academy of Sciences, as well as a Chemical Society, Osuni Chapter. electrochemical oxidation mechanism of
fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He He has published more than 130 academic saccharides at copper electrodes, in which
graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Analytical papers, graduated 19 PhDs during his tenure one of his papers has been cited more than
Chemistry from the University of Manchester at the University of Botswana and Rhodes 100 times.
in the UK, an MSc in Analytical Chemistry University, and has registered several patents. His research evolved to focus on material
from the University of Botswana, and a PhD He has held several international roles such science, particularly the use of electrospun
in Analytical Chemistry from Lund University as being a panel member of the Research nanofibres for colorimetric diagnostic probes
in Sweden. Council UK and being an editorial board for vital analytes. The work resulted in
His career started in the copper-nickel member for Chromatographia. In addition, he international patents, key publications that
mining sector and he then proceeded to join has given plenaries and colloquia all over the made journal cover pages, as well as invited
the University of Botswana as a staff world as an invited speaker. reviews in high-impact journals.
development fellow. Professor Torto is also a qualified and Professor Torto has continued to push the
At the University of Botswana, he was accredited Time to Think Coach, as well as a nanomaterial area at BITRI, having invested
promoted to the rank of senior lecturer and Time to Think Facilitator. He is currently in Africa’s biggest electrospinning facility.
subsequently associate professor. In 2008, enrolled in the Certified Ontological Coaching Several products relating to point-of-use
Professor Torto joined Rhodes University as a Programme. devices for water, as well as air filtration, are
full professor in Analytical Chemistry and His initial research focused on the in various stages of development.