Page 26 - Science in Africa
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Professor Suad Mohamed Sulaiman

          Ensuring safe water

                    rofessor  Suad  Mohamed     Professor  Mohamed  Sulaiman  sat  on   president  of  the  Sudanese  Environment
                    Sulaiman  is  a  professor  of  several  World  Health  Organisation  advisory   Conservation  Society  for  four  years,  and
                    parasitology  with  special  committees.                       member  of  the  board  of  the  National
                    training  skills  in  scientific  She  was  director  of  the  Medical   Biosafety  Advisory  Committee,
                    research  methodology,  ethics  in  Parasitology  Research  Project  at  the   Higher  Council  for  Environment,
          Presearch,  community               Khartoum  Laboratory.  She  was  a             ministry  of  environment.
          development,  health  and  environment,   team  member  in  major  health            She  sits  on  the  national
          waterborne  diseases  risks  and  prevention,   projects  in  Sudan,  including  the   steering  committee  of  the  Nile
          health  and  sanitation  for  community   Blue  Nile  Health  Project;  the         Basin  Discourse,  Sudan
          development,  human  parasitology  surveys,   Michigan  State                       Forum;  was  adviser  on  health
          biological  transmission  of  tropical  diseases,   University/National  Institute  of   research,  UNESCO  Chair  for
          and  applied  field  research  on  waterborne   Health  Medical  Parasitology      Women  in  Science  and
          diseases  (mainly  schistosomiasis  and  malaria).  Research  Project;  the  Institute  for   Technology,  Sudan;  and  was
           She  held  the  posts  of  assistant  dean  for  Tropical  Hygiene,  University  of   chair  of  the  Transboundary
          academic  affairs  at  Nile  College;  academic   Heidelberg,  Federal  Republic  of  Germany;   Microgrants  programme  of  the  Nile
          research  professor  and  adviser  on  health   the  Danish  Bilharziasis  Laboratory,   Basin  Initiative  in  the  Sudan.
          issues  and  coordination,  ministry  of  science   Copenhagen,  Denmark;  and  member  of  the   Professor  Mohamed  Sulaiman  has  more
          and  technology;  research  professor  and   London  Khartoum  Bilharzia  Control  Project   than  70  published  scientific  papers  and
          director,  Tropical  Medicine  Research   in  the  Gezira,  Sudan.       supervised  the  work  of  more  than  50
          Institute,  National  Centre  for  Research,   She  taught  ethics  in  research,  research   postgraduate  degrees,  and  is  a  referee  to
          Khartoum,  Bilharzia  Research  Unit,   methodology,  community  medicine,  and   several  scientific  journals  inland  and  abroad.
          National  Health  Laboratories;  and  is   medical  parasitology  to  undergraduate  and   She  is  on  the  editorial  board  of  some  local
          currently  a  freelance  health  and   postgraduate  university  students.  medical  and  science  journals  and  member  of
          environment  adviser.                 Professor  Mohamed  Sulaiman  was  vice-  the  Sudan  Editors’  group.
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