Page 24 - 5. UKBM BIG WAJIB
P. 24

BIG W – 3.7./4.7./2/7-4

            For the evaluation session, so please open up your “Blossom Book”, English Supplement on Page 88
             No        Answer        No        Answer         No       Answer         No        Answer

              1.                      6.                     11.                      16.
              2.                      7.                     12.                      17.

              3.                      8.                     13.                      18.
              4.                      9.                     14.                      19.

              5.                     10.                     15.                      20.

              To complete this chapter, you have final project, to make a 500-words short story.  It’s about your

               last embarrassing, but memorable moment in your life.  You need to write in form of recount text.
              Please remember the generic structure of the recount text and surely the tense that you need to use

              to write down your story.  You need to write them down in Microsoft word and send you work in
               pdf format and send it right way before you will have formative test for this chapter.  You can send
              your pdf file to  Good luck, guys!

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