Page 36 - 5. UKBM BIG WAJIB
P. 36
BIG LM 3.8./4.8./2/8-4
Hello, guys, my name is Bart Simpson. We have reached here to learn more about
new things. We will learn reading and listening on this chapter. For start, we will
have listening session today. Let’s open-up your “Blossom”, as English
Supplement, on Page 111 Task 1. In that task, please focus on the recording and
then answer the questions there, then you rewrite your answer here on this
particular table. Good luck, guys!
“Blossom” English Supplement, Page 92 Task 1
No Answer No Answer
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Good afternoon, I am Maui. It’s time for reading comprehension, guys, are
you ready? Are you ready?
Let’s open up your Text Book “English” on Page 159 Task 2, Page 160 Task 3,
Page 161 Task 4, Page 173 – Comprehension Questions, and Page 185 Task 2.
Open up your “Blossom Book” on Page 116 – Text 1, and Page 117 – Text 2.
That’s it. Good luck! Manage your time, strength and health carefully.
Text Book “English” On Page 159 Task 2, create questions based on the reading text
Sentence Question
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