Page 4 - nov-dec 2020
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word from the president

              n preparation for the upcoming winter months,           We accomplished a lot at the APGA Fall
              there are even more factors and considerations     Committee Meetings and Board Meeting   It is so
              that must be accounted for than ever               gratifying to work with dealers, suppliers and other
           Ibefore   With the uncertainties surrounding          representatives in striving to provide rebates and
            the Coronavirus, additional precautions and          incentives to propane customers and promote the
            procedures have to be implemented to ensure          industry that provides for our families   It is such an
            the safety and well being of co-workers, customers   honor to sit and be a part of decisions that truly
            and family members   The hardest thing for me        matter and affect people
            personally is to remember to “mask-up” before        in a positive way   I know I
            entering a business   In addition, it seems somber   have said this before, but
            upon entering   Beside the fact that it is almost    I am so humbled to get to
            impossible to recognize anyone, the mood or          preside over the Alabama
            quietness is sobering  I consider myself a pretty    Propane Gas Association
            social individual   So, not being able to tell who   this year   I have to pinch
            you are approaching or making eye contact            myself from time to time just
            (eyeballing) is difficult at best.  I am a “hand     to make sure it is really a
            -shaker” also.  This fist-bump thing, or sticking elbows   “thing ”
            out at each other…I am struggling with!                   In addition, through     uBill Mayou
                 The Farmers Almanac seems to think the          the persistence and
            southeast can expect a chilly and rainy winter       perseverance of Lisa Hill, the propane classroom
            season   We have had chilly and rainy    What we     curriculum at several community colleges is just
            propane-peeps need is “sustained” chilly and rainy     around the corner.  The first one is already a
            At least three to four months would be nice, huh?    success   Many more are soon to follow   This will,
                                                                 in the not so distant future, provide the propane
              WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE                            industry with more qualified applicants.
              FROM AMERICA’S                                          So… right around the corner are the
              INDUSTRY LEADER                                    elections   So, so much is at stake this time   Don’t
              PRODUCTS:                                          be the guy or gal that says, “my one vote does
              •  New TRANSPORT TRAILERS
              •   New BOBTAILS                                   not matter ” It matters more than ever   Hopefully,
              •  New BULK STORAGE TANKS                          our divided nation can find its way back together.
              Ask about availability of
              used or refurbished                                Let us pray for our nation, our leaders, a cure for
              transport trailers and bobtails                    the Coronavirus and a sustained “chilly and rainy”

              SERVICES:                                          winter!■
              • Refurbishing & Repairs
              • Blasting & Painting
              • 5-Year Inspections
              • Annual Inspections
              • Stress Relieving
              • Parts

                          TANK COMPANY

              HEADQUARTERS            INDIANA DIVISION
              P O Drawer 1391         1301 East Elkhorn Road
              Hattiesburg, MS 39403-1391  Vincennes, IN 47591-8004
              PH: 800-331-8265 ext. 224    PH: 812-886-8265
              FAX: 601-264-0769       FAX: 812-886-8979

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