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LP gas board  | comments & reviews                                          by: R  DeWayne Whiddon

                    s you read this article, I hope everyone had a   holders report to the board incidents involving fires,
                    blessed holiday. I trust that many of you are   explosions, propane release, and the like that occur
                    busy with the heating season after winter    where an LP-gas system is installed.  The regulation
            Afinally made its appearance.  Unfortunately,        requires that incidents be reported immediately upon
            as heating demand increases, so does the number of   learning of them.  The regulation also mandates the
            incidents throughout the state. These incidents can   reporting of specific information about the incident
            include truck crashes and structure fires. Many heat-  and related customer history.  This information should
            related fires are not caused by propane but by other   be submitted to the board on an Incident Reporting
            issues. These issues can range from the incorrect    Form available on the board’s website at www.lpgb.
            use of electric space heaters and extension cords, under Forms.
            improper maintenance of wood-burning chimneys,            The typical scenario following an incident
            combustible materials placed close to space heaters,   begins with reporting the incident to the board.
            and a multitude of other possibilities. All incidents   While we expect you to complete and submit the
            must be reported to our office if a propane system   form we provide, the code also requires that you call
            is present, not just incidents that you suspect are   us immediately to begin the process. Telephoning
            propane related. Unfortunately, some fires are caused   us allows us to gauge the totality of the situation
            by unfound propane leaks or improper use of propane-  and respond immediately if necessary. The board
            fueled appliances.                                   telephone number is (334) 241-8887, and a message

                 It is very important that you report any        detailing further contact information is provided when
            incidents where a propane system or truck is involved   you call after-hours or on weekends. Information
            to the Alabama LP-Gas Board.  Alabama LP-Gas         gathered as soon as possible after incidents, whether
            Board regulation 530-X-2-.05 Reporting Incidents /   through scene investigation or witness interviews, is
            Vehicle Accidents / Complaints requires that permit   often critical in properly determining the cause of an
                                                                      In many instances, our investigations are
                                                                   completed quickly. Other times, it may take a
                                                                   little while to complete the full investigation. Our
                                                                   investigations sometimes rule out LP-Gas as a cause
                                                                   or vindicate the actions of propane personnel.  Even
                                                                   if it is ruled propane played a role in the fire, that
                                                                   does not necessarily mean that a dealer did anything
                                                                   wrong. It is also critical that dealers do not move
                                                                   equipment prior to our investigation.  Only move the
                                                                   equipment if it is required for safety reasons or if
                                                                   ordered to do so by emergency personnel. The main
                                                                   thing is the safety of all involved. We work with all
                                                                   entities involved to find the truth about the incident
                                                                   and to promote safety in our industry.
                                                                      The next quarterly meeting of the Alabama
                                                                   LP-Gas Board will be held on January 11, 2024, at
                                                                   10:00 a.m. at 770 S. McDonough St, Montgomery,
                                                                   AL.  Please keep in mind that a good source of
                                                                   current information on board activities is available at
                                                                   our website at  Everyone is
                                                                   welcome to stop by the board offices whenever they
                                                                   are in the area.■

     6                                     Alabama Propane Gas Association  | January / February 2024
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