Page 8 - july-august 2019
P. 8

from the executive director’s desk

                       fter more than two years, Alabama         years1993-2009) with clean burning propane
                       is finally accepting applications         school buses
                       for VW Settlement funding                      Mark Denton and I attended a workshop
           A Alabama was awarded $25 million                     that ADECA conducted on how to apply
            in the settlement agreement  Governor Ivey           for VW funding  ADECA has set a very short
            appointed ADECA as the lead agency  APGA             window of time for submitting applications
            has worked delinquently during this time to          deadline is 12 noon on July 31, 2019  We
            ensure that ADECA was educated on the                immediately made contact with school
            benefits of propane  The number one goal of          districts to ensure they were aware of the
            the settlement is for each state to reduce NOx       deadline to submit applications  We emailed
            by funding projects that will do just that           all superintendents
                 Propane school buses are the best option        and transportation
            for Alabama when it comes to reducing                directors the application
            NOx   Propane is clean burning where as              along with many useful
            the majority of school buses on Alabama              resources so that they
            roads today are dirty diesel  Propane has the        would have everything
            opportunity to get as much as $5 4 million in        they needed at their
            funding to replace older diesel buses (model         fingertips  We assured
                                                                                  that          uLisa Hillu
                                                                                  we will
                                                                                  help in any way possible
                                                                                       As propane marketers,
                                                                                  you can help by talking to
                                                                                  your local school district
                                                                                  board members  Ask them
                      Your  SINGLE SOURCE  for
                                                                                  if they know about the
                                                                                  opportunity to replace an
                                                                                  old diesel school bus with
                                                                                  a clean burning propane
                                                                                  school bus for as little as
                                                                                  20% of the retail cost of the
                                                                                  propane school bus  That is
                                                                                  approximately a $76,000 in
                                                                                  savings PER BUS for a school
                             and many, many more!                                 district  I cannot imagine that
                          Stop in and see us!                                     there is a district out there
                                                                                  that couldn’t use a savings
                                                                                  like that!
                      1405 Sinnett Avenue • Dothan, Alabama 36303                      We hope to know by the
                               800-433-8925                                       first of October what projects

                                                                                  will receive funding ■

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