Page 17 - sept-oct 2018
P. 17

than diesel and gasoline  These vehicles emit 80 percent
            fewer smog-producing hydrocarbons and virtually elimi-
            nate particulate matter when compared to conventional
            diesel-powered vehicles
                   And, propane autogas is domestically produced
            More than 90 percent of the nation’s supply is made in the
            U S , with an additional 7 percent imported from Canada
                   Our vote is for more vehicles fueled by this Ameri-
            can-made product
                   To learn more about ROUSH CleanTech’s alternative            (More than 1,500 ROUSH
            fuel vehicle technology that powers school buses and Ford           CleanTech vehicles operate
                                                                                 in the transit industry, with the
            commercial vehicles, please visit www roushcleantech                 majority being for paratransit
            com                                                                 use.)

            Todd Mouw is president of ROUSH CleanTech, an industry leader of alter-
            native fuel vehicle technology  Mouw has more than two decades of ex-
            perience in the automotive and high-tech industries  As former president
            of the NTEA Green Truck Association, Mouw helped set standards in the
            green trucking industry  To learn more,
            visit ROUSHcleantech com

                                                      Your  SINGLE SOURCE  for

                                                             and many, many more!
                                                          Stop in and see us!

                                                      1405 Sinnett Avenue • Dothan, Alabama 36303

    17                                  Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  September / October 2018
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