Page 21 - mar-apr 2020
P. 21

FMCSA Announces Two-Year Delay to

               Entry-Level Driver Training

                        n January 29th, the Federal Motor       ELDT applies to new Commercial Driver’s License
                        Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)   (CDL) applicants or new Hazardous Materials En-
                        announced a two-year delay to the       dorsement (HME) applicants   It does not apply to
           Ocompliance deadline for the Entry-Lev-              currently licensed drivers or Commercial Learner’s
            el Driver Training (ELDT) program   The delay chang-  Permits obtained before the compliance deadline,
            es the compliance deadline for all participants from   unless the CDL-holder is seeking an HME   It also ap-
            February 7, 2020 to February 7, 2022   In July 2019,   plies to all other endorsements, such as Passengers
            FMCSA proposed a two-year delay to parts of the            ELDT includes a two-part curriculum that
            ELDT program applicable to state licensing agen-    must be completed before the applicant sits for the
            cies; however, the agency received significant      CDL or HME exam with the state license office: class-
            feedback to delay the entire program for all stake-  room or ‘theory’ curriculum, and behind the wheel
            holders   The FMCSA announcement is available       training (range and public road)   The classroom
            on the agency’s homepage and it will be formally    education includes a written/electronic exam that
            published in the Federal Register shortly           the applicant must pass with a score of 80 percent
                   FMCSA was congressionally mandated to        The person providing behind the wheel training
            create ELDT through the Moving Ahead for Progress   (trainer) must ‘self-certify’ or attest to satisfactory
            in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), and the agency    performance of vehicle operations by the appli-
            concluded the rulemaking process in December        cant   The trainer must have a CDL at or above the
            2016   NPGA advocated against several compo-        level sought by the applicant   A similar classroom
            nents of FMCSA’s initial proposal, like a minimum   and exam format apply to CDL-holders seeking an
            number of hours behind the wheel, which were        HME
            ultimately removed from the final rule.  After finaliza-     The classroom and behind the wheel train-
            tion, NPGA partnered with the Propane Education     ing must be provided by an entity or person regis-
            & Research Council (PERC) to identify how we can    tered in FMCSA’s Training Provider Registry, which is
            develop materials to assist the propane industry in   a database subject to recordkeeping requirements
            compliance with the ELDT program                    and audit
                                                                              NPGA and PERC continue to work
                                                                            together through the delayed com-
                                                                            pliance deadline to develop com-
                                                                            pliance materials for the propane
                     Bobtails     to       Bulkplants                       industry!  NPGA is collaborating with
                                                                            PERC to create the basic classroom
                                                                            curriculum and behind the wheel train-
                                                                            ing materials that a propane marketer
                                                                            needs in order to provide in-house
                                                                            training   In addition, NPGA is work-
                 New Bobtails  Betts Vapor Proof Lights:  New Installations
               Refurbished Bobtails  complete stock of lights, lens   Maintenance & Repairs  ing on an administrative service that
               Hydrostatic Testing  & accessories    All Work Performed to NFPA 58
              Annual VK Inspections  Chelsea PTO & Equipment:  Code Upgrades
              Annual DOT Inspections  power take offs, drive shafts   Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal  would allow NPGA to serve as the offi-
             Base Engineering Shutdown  & accessories                       cial training provider subject to FMCSA
                                  FREE ESTIMATES                            recordkeeping and audit
             40 Industry Drive   Jason Gamble, Owner            (256) 593-2420    Please direct any questions to Sarah
             Boaz, AL 35956         (205) 616-9084              (800) 757-6639  Reboli, NPGA Deputy Counsel, Regula-
             Email:                      Fax: (256) 593-2460
                                                                            tory Affairs ■

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