Page 8 - mar-apr 2020
P. 8
from the executive director’s desk
s I sit here writing my article, we As some of you know, APGA was
have 100% change of rain in awarded a $24,750 grant from PERC for
Prattville with a temperature of Workforce Development We have been
A 50 The state of Alabama is under busy the past several months meeting with
a State of Emergency granted by Gov Ivey representatives from the Alabama Community
We are seeing severe flooding in all areas of College System and Beville State Community
Alabama and surrounding states The only College We have presented an in depth
up side to this weather is that most of the propane training curriculum which we are
time, people “feel” colder in wet weather So asking to be incorporated into the HVAC and
therefore, I hope they continue to run those Plumbing programs in
heaters/furnaces/logs Alabama We have been
As we look forward the end of our short met with an overwhelming
winter season, the APGA Committees and amount of support for
Board meeting is scheduled for March 12th in this At this time, it has
Prattville Prior to that meeting on the same been presented by Beville
day in Montgomery at the State House, we State to the Community
will distribute grill lighters to the legislative College Curriculum Board
members I hope many of you can take the for approval In addition,
time to participate in that event as well as we have started to secure
the meetings at the APGA office later that equipment to build uLisa Hillu
afternoon a hands-on training
room at four community
colleges: Beville State
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We will have more
updates on this project
Crestwood’s experienced NGL professionals can help you create a at the meeting on March
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12th come join us
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there You will also find
very detailed information
regarding the Alternative
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be sure to read that
information and pass
along to your accountant
and autogas customers ■
8 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2020