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For This Fuel Distributor,
Propane is the Leading Fuel in Its Fleet
By: Todd Mouw
ndrew Reinhardt, general manager of Van 100,000 miles annually. Over the years, the company
Dyke Gas — a Michigan-based fuel distrib- estimates its propane vehicles have collectively driven
utor that supplies propane autogas, diesel 3 million miles.
Aand gasoline — says that using all three Commitment to Caring for the Climate
fuels in his fleet makes sense. While Van Dyke has Beyond cost savings, another important driv-
several fuel options to choose from, the company re- er in Van Dyke’s decision-making is reducing harmful
lies on propane for the majority of its vehicles. Here’s emissions.
“We’ve made a climate pledge and are com-
Cost Savings mitted to net zero emissions,” said Reinhardt. “Pro-
“For us, cost savings has always been the pane gets overlooked in achieving that goal. Propane
driving factor in operating a majority of our fleet on produces much less greenhouse emissions than
propane,” said Reinhardt. “With a 20-30% reduction gasoline and diesel.”
in fuel savings, propane makes financial sense for us.”
The company’s propane vehicles are certified
On average, propane autogas costs 40% less to the ultra-low NOx level of 0.02 grams per brake
than gasoline and 50% less than diesel; however, Van horsepower-hour, making them 90% cleaner than
Dyke’s fuel costs are already very low due to the na- the EPA's most stringent heavy-duty engine standard.
ture of its business so the margins are a bit slimmer. They also emit fewer greenhouse gases, smog-pro-
For many, access to the U.S. Energy Department’s al- ducing hydrocarbons and particulate emissions than
ternative fuel tax credit provides an additional rebate conventional fuels.
of $0.37 per gallon.
“If our goal is to combat climate change
The company currently operates 12 propane and minimize impact to our business operations to
trucks, with 13 additional trucks that either run on achieve these goals; it only makes sense to consider a
diesel or gasoline. Their propane vehicles, includ- fuel that checks all those boxes in addition to keeping
ing Ford F-650 and F-750 units, handle critical tasks and creating jobs in America,” Reinhardt said.
like deliveries and crane operations, clocking about
32 Alabama Propane Gas Association | January / February 2025