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LP gas board  | comments & reviews                                          by: R  DeWayne Whiddon

                    s you read this article, I hope everyone had   board meetings in the same building. It is a larger office
                    a blessed holiday and had an opportunity    space that facilitates the board's growth and expanded
                    to spend time with their family and friends.   role. It will provide us with more secure storage space,
            AAs busy as we are during the winter heating        an expanded testing area, and larger meeting rooms,
            season, family and friends are the most important   making our office more efficient. We hope to complete
            areas of our lives.  Please be careful and return home   the move by the end of January 2025. The new office
            to them every day. There is only one you in the entire   will be open by February 1, 2025, and all testing and
            world, and to some, you are their entire world.     future board meetings will be held at this new location.
                 It is bittersweet that the Liquefied Petroleum Gas      All phone numbers and email addresses
            Board announces the retirement of Inspector Walter   will remain the same. There should be a minimal
            Endress. Inspector Endress is retiring after over 21   interruption of our normal day-to-day activities. The
            years of dedicated service as the Northeast territory   plan is for the current office to stay open until the
            inspector.  Walt officially retired on December 1, 2024.   close of business on Friday, January 31, 2025, and we
            Walt has been an asset to the LP-Gas Board, and we   will reopen at the new location on Monday, February
            hate to see him leave. Walt has been a fixture in the   3, 2025. Tractor trailers and bobtails will still be
            Northeast territory, often going above and beyond the   prohibited in the parking lot, just as with the current
            call of duty. He has been a dedicated mentor and friend   building and testing area.
            to all in the industry.  His shoes will truly be hard to      Until we move, the weekly Wednesday testing
            fill.  All the board members and staff here at the LP-Gas   will still be conducted at the building next to the
            Board wish him all the best and many happy retirement   current Board offices. We have signs to direct test
            years.                                              takers to the parking area and the door to the current

                 In other news, the board is in the process of   testing facility. As a reminder, Exam participants should
            moving to new office space. The new office will be   leave all cell phones and other electronic devices in
            located at Halcyon Pointe III, 7480 Halcyon Pointe   their vehicles and only bring the five approved books
            Drive, Suite 100, Montgomery, Alabama. It is next door   to the test building. Those approved materials are
            to the Alabama Trucking Association building. This new   NFPA 54, NFPA 58, NFPA 1192, and the LP-Gas Board
            location will allow us to hold testing and the quarterly   Administrative Code and the LP-Gas Board Laws. The
                                                                                       Board only provides copies
                                                                                       of the Board Laws and
                                                                                       Administrative code books;
                                                                                       the exam participant must
                                                                                       supply all other resource
                      Bobtails     to       Bulkplants                                 materials.
                                                                                             This month’s quarterly
                                                                                       meeting of the Alabama LP-
                                                                                       Gas Board will be January 09,
                                                                                       2024, at 10:00 a.m. at 770 S.
                                                                                       McDonough St, Montgomery,
                  New Bobtails   Betts Vapor Proof Lights:      New Installations      AL.  A good source of
                Refurbished Bobtails  complete stock of lights, lens   Maintenance & Repairs
                 Hydrostatic Testing  & accessories         All Work Performed to NFPA 58  current information on
                Annual VK Inspections  Truck Meter &            Code Upgrades          board activities is available
               Annual DOT Inspections  Dispenser Calibration  Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal
              Base Engineering Shutdown                                                at our website at www.lpgb.
                                                                              Everyone is
                                      FREE ESTIMATES                                   welcome to stop by the

              40 Industry Drive      Jason Gamble, Owner                (256) 593-2420  Board offices whenever they
              Boaz, AL 35956             (205) 616-9084                 (800) 757-6639  are in the area.■
              Email:                             Fax: (256) 593-2460

     6                                     Alabama Propane Gas Association  | January / February 2025
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