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APGA & PERC Team Up for the 2024 ALTRANS Conference

                   he Alabama Transit Authority held its Annual
                   Spring Conference on April 30th -May 2nd at
                   the Gulf State Park Lodge in Gulf Shores, Ala-
            Tbama. The Alabama Propane Gas Association
            and Propane Education and Research Council were
            proud sponsors of this year's event. APGA Executive
            Director, Laural Bunn, and PERC Transit Fleet Consul-
            tant, Jill Drury were present throughout the event
            to ensure attendees had the resources necessary to
            learn more about propane autogas, its benefits, the
            transition process, and available funding opportunities.
            Several APGA members were also on-hand to answer
            questions and share their experiences with conference
            attendees. Rob Johansen, Gabe Krebs, and Chad Chav-
            ers from Blossman Gas took turns filling in. Over the
            three-day event, APGA spoke with several transit au-
            thorities that were interested in learning more about
            how propane autogas could fit their transit needs.

                   On Tuesday afternoon, Casey Foster from
            Alabama Clean Fuels Coalition spoke to conference
            attendees about the importance of changing to clean
            fuels and provided a brief overview of the different
            options that are currently available for transit fleets in
            Alabama.  On Thursday, Mark Denton, Alliance Auto-    From left: Rob Johansen, Gabe Krebs, and Jill Drury
            gas, and Jill Drury were the featured speakers. Denton
            explained how autogas provides the lowest cost of          APGA was proud to partner with PERC to help
            ownership of any fuel, conventional or alternatives,   sponsor this successful event. Transit authorities work
            and how making the switch to this cleaner burning fuel   hard to ensure that Alabama citizens are able to get
            will lower emissions while saving fleets money. Next,   from point A to point B no matter where they are.
            Drury shared her story, Tales from the Tank: Transit   This event was another great opportunity to share
            Success Stories Fueled by Propane. Her presentation   the positive story about propane autogas and the real
            highlighted the ease of transitioning from diesel to pro-  cost savings that community organizations, like these,
            pane while sharing her experiences and the real cost   can achieve by transitioning their fleets to this cleaner
            savings she encountered after transitioning her fleet to   burning fuel. APGA would like to thank Blossman Gas
            propane autogas. In closing, she briefly discussed fund-  for donating a propane grill and a propane boiler for
            ing opportunities that can ease the financial burden of   two separate drawings. These giveaways generated
            transitioning to autogas. Finally, Kevin Coggin, Execu-  excitement amongst conference attendees and helped
            tive Director at Coast Transit Authority, a large-scale   support the goal of sharing propane's many benefits
            transit operation in Mississippi that uses several types   while planting a seed with the information needed to
            of transit vehicles and fuels, shared his experiences   help them make the decision to transition their fleets to
            with transit fleets and alternative fuels. Coggins iden-  auotgas in the future.
            tified the pros and cons that he has encountered with      APGA plans to maintain contact with the transit
            each type of fuel and discussed the unique situations   authorities and serve as a resource to them. Whether
            in which some are more desirable than others. Coggins   they seek information about autogas or funding oppor-
            concluded that propane autogas provided the best   tunities  - APGA will be a resource for information that
            cost savings for fuel and maintenance while lowering   will help them with their transition to autogas.■
            emissions overall.

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