Page 27 - mayjune2024_neat
P. 27

States Protect Access to Propane Applications

                                   Alabama, K           ansas, Mississippi:
                                   Alabama, Kansas, Mississippi:

             Enact New Laws to Safeguard Consumer Access to the
             Enact Ne        w La     w  s t o Sa    f eguar    d Consumer Access t                   o the
                Pr  opane P       o  w  er  ed Pr    oducts The          y W    an  t and R      ely On
                Propane Powered Products They Want and Rely On

                                                  By: Jacob Peterson
              n response to threats against consumer access to   these protections beyond our supply infrastructure
              propane, more and more states are taking action. In   and extending them to the appliances, equipment, and
              April, three states – Alabama, Kansas, Mississippi –   engines that actually burn the molecule.
          Ienacted new laws to safeguard consumer access to            The issue of protecting consumer access to our
            the propane-powered products they want and rely on.   end-use applications has gained prominence following
                   The Alabama and Mississippi laws create new   recent federal and state actions that have sought to re-
            legal protections for consumer access to gas-powered   strict access to various gas-powered products, including
            appliances in building applications, while the Kansas law  stoves, water heaters, and vehicle engines. For exam-
            preserves consumer choice for all types of motor vehi-  ple, multiple states have passed laws that will prohibit
            cles. All three bills garnered bipartisan support in their   the sale of new, non-electric passenger vehicles by
            legislatures, further evidence of the sensible nature of   2035; and a Commissioner of the federal Consumer
            these proposals. These actions follow the enactment of   Product Safety Commission made comments last year
            similar end-use protections that have been passed in   about the Commission’s ability to ban products (i.e., gas
            other states, including Florida, Montana, North Caroli-  stoves) that cannot be made safe for residential use.
            na, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Tennessee.                 NPGA will continue to support state efforts to

                   While traditional energy choice laws protect   guarantee market access for propane marketers, and
            market access for propane companies, their core focus   ensure Americans retain the right to acquire gas appli-
            is on ensuring energy providers retain the right to   ances and propane-powered vehicles. For more infor-
            extend service to a customer. This typically involves   mation, contact NPGA’s Director of State Affairs, Jacob
            safeguards for setting a tank and connecting a service   Peterson.■
            line to a structure. However, some states are taking

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