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NPGA will be seeking to engage our coalition
            again, and will be commenting on the proposal in
            advance of the May 16, 2024 deadline.
                   For questions or concerns, please contact VP
            Regulatory & Industry Affairs Benjamin Nussdorf.■
            NPGA Victory on the Consumer Water Heater Rule

                   NPGA secured a regulatory victory on
            Tuesday, April 30th, when the Department of Ener-
            gy (DOE) released for prepublication its Final Rule:
            Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Water
            Heaters. In the Proposed Rule, DOE sought to elimi-
            nate non-condensing tankless water heaters through
            efficiency standards which could only be met by     customers so they better understand propane safety
            condensing models.                                  during natural disasters, including hurricanes, floods,

                   In 2023, NPGA led a coalition response to    tornadoes, and wildfires. You can share preparedness
            the Proposed Rule, including engaging with the DOE,   and safety information through your company web-
            the Department of Justice, and the Department       site and customer communications, such as e-mails,
            of Commerce, where NPGA explained its concerns      receipts, mailings, and social media outlets.
            and the concerns of its members with the Proposed          Hurricane season starts June 1st, and the
            Rule. NPGA supplemented those efforts by meeting    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
            in 2024 with the Office of Management and Budget    (NOAA) has designated May 5th -11th as National
            regarding the Proposed Rule’s impact. NPGA’s com-   Hurricane Preparedness Week. NOAA encourages
            ments focused, in part, on the impact to gas-fired   everyone to better understand their risk from hur-
            tankless water heaters and the Final Rule chose not   ricanes and begin pre-season preparations now. As
            to summarize or respond to any comments specific    hurricane season approaches, now is the time to pre-
            to gas-fired tankless water heaters in this notice,   pare your customers, employees, and infrastructure
            nor discuss any analytical methodologies or results   for the threat of severe weather.
            for this product class as DOE continues to consider
            the comments submitted in response to the July             As always, we encourage our members to
            2023 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and December     plan ahead with their suppliers in case of supply
            2023 Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.    disruptions, infrastructure issues, and high-demand
            NPGA, along with its coalition partners (American Gas   scenarios. For more information and resources on
            Association, American Public Gas Association) and   emergency preparedness and business continuity,
            member engagement (Rinnai America) will be review-  visit
            ing the 543 page Final Rule in depth and continue to       For more information, please contact NPGA’s
            engage DOE on its potential plans to amend conser-  Senior Manager of State Association Relations, Eric
            vation standards for gas-fired tankless water heaters.   Sears.■
                   Questions? Please contact VP Regulatory &                           .
                                                                           Save the Date!
            Industry Affairs Benjamin Nussdorf.■                           Sa  ve the Da       te!
            Severe Weather Preparedness                          APGA Fall Gathering & Board of Directors Meeting
                   Spring continues to produce severe weather             September 26th - 27th, 2024
            systems, with large swaths of the country recently im-  Lake Guntersville State Park Lodge, Guntersville, AL
            pacted by severe storms, damaging winds, and torna-
            does. PERC’s Propane and Weather Safety webpage        Details and booking link coming soon!
            has helpful information that you can give to your

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