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Stay In the Know: Recently Released
                    Research on Clean Vehicle Technologies

                   his spring, three recently released reports   •  New, more powerful engines for propane fueling
                   shed light on the state of transportation fuels   will usher in a new wave of adoption.
                   and technology. They include a collaborative   •  An unprecedented $32 billion in incentive funding
            Tfield study from National Renewable Energy             is expected in 2024, with an estimated $20 billion
            Lab and Drive Clean Colorado, a 2024 market brief on    available for medium duty and heavy duty fleets
            the state of sustainable fleets and research from Har-  directly.
            vard. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key findings
            to help your teams understand and share the latest   •  New partnerships, innovative business models and
            data on clean vehicle technologies.                     technologies to utilize natural gas and propane
                                                                    reveal an oncoming host of innovations to solve
            Delivering Clean Air in Denver: Propane Trucks and      the EV charging challenge.
            Infrastructure in Mail Delivery Application
                                                                •  Confusion for fleet operators and the wider
            Authors: Drive Clean Colorado, National Renewable       marketplace on engine standards is expected to
            Energy Laboratory                                       continue for the next few years.
            Summary: Our friends at Drive Clean Colorado ex-    Adopting Electric School Buses in the United States:
            plored the viability of propane as an alternative to   Health and Climate Benefits
            diesel fuel for trucks by partnering with Hi Pro and
            NREL. A 12-month analysis found the propane trucks   Author: T.H. Chan School of Public Health
            achieved dramatic cost savings and reduction in harm-  Summary: Harvard researchers studied the financial
            ful emissions.                                      impact of the climate and health benefits that come
            Key findings:                                       with replacing old diesel school buses. The study focus-
                                                                es on electric school buses as replacements for diesel
            •  98% reduction in tailpipe nitrogen oxide emissions  models.
            •  Virtual elimination of tailpipe sulfur oxide emis-  Key findings:
                                                                •  When subsidies are removed, the total ownership
            •  Savings of $20,000 per vehicle in the first 12       cost is $156,000 higher for an electric school bus
                months.                                             compared to a diesel school bus.
            •  18.9% reduction in combined tailpipe and produc-  •  Previous estimates of $15,000 per year in vehi-
                tion carbon dioxide emissions.                      cle-to-grid (V2G) revenues are closer to $40 to
            2024 State of Sustainable Fleets Market Brief           $400 based on newer data.

            Author: TRC Companies, Inc.                         •  Health savings from replacing diesel with an elec-
            Summary: The fifth annual technology-neutral analysis   tric bus totaled $43,800 by reducing air pollution,
            of key insights and critical trends for today’s leading   mortality rates and childhood asthma.
            on-road clean vehicle technologies produced by State   •  Government subsidies such as EPA’s Clean School
            of Sustainable Fleets.                                  Bus Program are artificially affecting cost of owner-

            Key findings:                                           ship for electric buses.
            •  We are entering a period of peak complexity, and        Please reach out directly if you’d like to discuss
                recent data shows that growth in all sustainable   this research or the work our team is doing to create
                fleet solutions will require a variety of options to   affordable transportation products that meet current
                achieve fleet operational, cost and sustainability   and future emissions standards.
                goals.                                          Todd Mouw, executive vice president, ROUSH
            •  Propane has proven its positive total cost of    CleanTech■
                ownership year after year for applications such as
                goods and logistics, refuse, passenger transport
                and medium duty vocational service.

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