Page 7 - novdec2024_neat
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from the executive director’s desk

                 all began with a few cooler temperatures and a         As Fall sets in,
                 Hurricane that impacted many of our peers in    Alabama farmers are mak-
                 other states. Hurricane Helene left devastation   ing preparations to ensure
          Ffor so many. Without missing a beat, marketers        a warm and healthy envi-
            and suppliers alike began assisting with the recovery   ronment for their livestock.
            efforts. It was inspiring to see so many propane indus-  In October, I attended an
            try professionals rushing to assist these communities   Agribusiness Council meeting
            in need. As I reflect on this past year, I am proud of this   to learn about ag producers
            industry, the association, our members, our shared ac-  needs, share how propane
            complishments, and thankful for all of you  - Alabama's   is a versatile, clean, efficient,
            propane industry family.                             cost-effective solution for   Laural Bunn
                   Since this time last year, the APGA family has   their businesses, and to dis-
            grown. APGA would like to welcome Alabama Propane    cuss PERC's Farm Incentive Program and 13 lesson ag
            Exchange, Central Propane, Freedom Propane, Maren-   science curriculum. PERC's new article, Efficient Heating
            go Propane, Cetane Associates, DispatchPro, Fairway   Solutions for Farmers explores why propane is becom-
            Risk Solutions, Harper Industries, Manchester Tank,   ing a popular choice as a heating solution for farmers
            Hawk, Inc., RV Roadway & Roadway Collision Center,   nationwide. I encourage you to reach out to farmers
            Southern Gas and Supply, and The Landing. Thank you   in your area to discuss the many benefits of propane
            to everyone who encouraged other propane industry    while sharing these opportunities and materials.
            professionals to join APGA. An association's strength is      Please feel free to contact me anytime to dis-
            determined by its diverse membership, but numbers    cuss your needs or concerns. I'm always happy to help
            are not the only determining factor. Member engage-  our members and I am proud to promote the propane
            ment is also crucial to maintaining a strong association.   industry in Alabama.■
            Meetings are the best way to collaborate, network and
            share your knowledge with other industry profession-
            als. Participation can also include sponsorships, volun-
            teering, and sharing resources - like this month's Safety
            & Education article contributed by Matthew Gaston
            from Fairway Risk Solutions. (See page 9.)

                   With 2024's growth, we saw increased par-
            ticipation and record-breaking attendance for events.
            More attendees meant more voices were heard and
            concerns were shared. In response, APGA has add-
            ed more rebate opportunities for dealers, increased
            training classes for dealers and affiliates, and created
            sponsorship and facility rental opportunities for suppli-
            er members. We encourage you to come to meetings
            to share your needs and concerns. APGA still has one
            Committee and Board of Directors Meeting left for
            the year, and it is sure to be a great one! The 2024 Fall
            Gathering has been rescheduled for November 14-15
            at Lake Guntersville State Park. Come out, network,
            give thanks, and help us to usher in the busy season.
            Come hear the great things we're planning and be
            part of the conversation to ensure the association
            best represents your industry. (See page 22 for event

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