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NPGA corner
Port Infrastructure Development Program Update
The Department of Transportation, Mari-
time Administration (MARAD) has resumed the grant
application process for $450 million dollars in funding
to improve the safety, efficiency, and/or reliability
of the movement of goods through ports and inter-
modal connections to ports under the FY 2025 Port
Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP). This
includes the loading, unloading, and movement of
goods at ports, operational improvements to ports,
and environmental impact and emissions mitigation vehicle fleets, the maritime use, transport, and stor-
measures. age of LPG nationwide, and the establishment of new
This funding opportunity was briefly paused infrastructure to support LPG exports.
from January 28, 2025 through February 7, 2025 as Applications to the 2025 PIDP opportuni-
part of the Trump Administration’s efforts to review ty must be submitted through the web
and revise grant programs. MARAD issued the follow- portal. Consult the PIDP factsheet for more informa-
ing statement on February 7: tion and review its Notice of Funding Opportunity for
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) a comprehensive breakdown. Questions about this
was mistakenly removed on January 28, 2025. No funding opportunity or need help in with the applica-
changes were made to the original December 20, tion process? Contact NPGA Manager of Grants and
2024, publication. MARAD will publish an amended Agency Engagement Nicholas Edward.■
NOFO consistent with new Administration priorities NPGA Discusses Tariffs with State Energy Offices
on Once MARAD publishes the amended NPGA State Affairs staff was recently invited
NOFO, the application deadline will be extended by to present to the National Association of State Energy
the number of days between the initial solicitation Officials (NASEO) Energy Security Committee regard-
(December 20, 2024) and the amendment, consistent ing tariffs proposed by the Trump administration and
with section 3511 of the FY 2025 National Defense potential implications for the propane industry. Staff
Authorization Act.
presented to more than 50 state energy officials and
Applications will be accepted from state and aligned industry partners, and discussed the potential
local governmental entities, public agencies or pub- economic impact a 10% tariff on liquid fuels from Can-
licly chartered authorities established by one or more ada would have on the domestic propane market, the
states, or Indian Tribes. Private entities and groups, interdependencies of the U.S. and Canadian propane
including the owners and operators of ports and facil- supply chain, as well as the implications the sector-lev-
ities, may apply jointly under the leadership of one of el tariffs recently levied on steel and aluminum may
the governing agencies described above. have on propane industry parts and equipment.
NPGA expects key language relating to Biden- The NASEO Energy Security Committee
era executive orders on climate change, Justice40, provides a forum for states to work effectively with
and other directives to be removed from this oppor- industry to bolster state-level energy security and pre-
tunity, in line with new executive orders and direc- paredness. As such, it is critical that NPGA State Affairs
tives made by President Trump. Namely, the Unleash- staff educate state energy offices on the potential
ing American Energy executive order removes electric impact tariffs may have on the flow of propane into the
vehicle mandates and impediments in federal funding U.S., and how this might affect supply and logistics in
opportunities on the use and development of domes- their states. Through collaboration with NASEO, NPGA
tic energy resources such as propane. The 2025 PIDP fosters valuable relationships with state energy offic-
opportunity has the potential to benefit the propane es in order to mutually advocate for reasonable and
industry through expansions of propane and autogas responsible energy policy.■
34 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2025